Pet peeves: The return (Part 1)


Well, more a lap around the edge of the room and because i was sprinting, he couldn’t hit me with any of his other bullcrap.

But still, annoying.

I hate that boss.

I used to hate him but by now im familiar enough with the patterns

Midir, however…

haven’t attempted Midir in AGES.

Probably gonna be hella rusty.

When you get to him I could hop along on my stupid STR character to aid in the noble undertaking of making that stupid dumb hell lizard not exist.

(Assuming u play on PC)

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Why you gotta be mean to nerathion

He knows what he did.

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Midir is one of the fights I refuse to do without massive amounts of cheese.

(well more like massive amounts of pestilent mercury)

I normally have enough faith to lightning blade and just do my; run under tactics.

I’ll fart that dragon to death or die trying!

Despite playing mostly casters.

I find myself meleeing far more.

Love a +10 whatever weapon with whichever buff spell

Combine the two. Make a pyro and slap an Onyx Blade on it.

Already got a greatsword user and I try not to double up on weapon types (exception being curved sword and paired curved swords-- that play differently anyway)

Having just said that though, I’m going to reroll the character (started thief cuz hollow build and I’d rather pick knight/pyro if not doing a hollow build)

How easy is it to cheese whats-his-face to get the Onyx Blade?

Been a while since I’ve actually done it but you can kite him out of the building. He leashes once he gets past the stairs and starts to just walk backwards. Use a quick weapon with low stamina cost to keep him there/push him towards the nearby cliff.
He either eventually falls or you can just make him bleed repeatedly.

“These goblins were attacking the town so we knocked one out to interrogate and then we took them along on our adventure and he became a mascot”


My party fought an entire dragon rather than give up the gryphon eggs they offhandedly found after killing the adults

Guess I’m buying a bandit knife off of Greirat.

People need to cheese him? I thought he was basically a free onyx blade every time i fought him

Also going to need a weapon that’s not dark infused for all the bosses who are resistant to dark (which is why i use weapons that can be buffed with anything usually)

Going to if I’m going to fight him just after getting to Cathedral of the Deep with no upgrades on my weapon.