Pet peeves: The return (Part 1)

personal favourite is the Lothric Knight straight sword but for the sake of STR scaling i’ve been using the regular ol’ Long Sword

i tend not to really enjoy the gimmick straight swords ever, not sure why

It’s D&D day and I have to pick my spells for level 3 which we’re expected to hit mid session. Which means I’m finally getting access to 2nd level spells.

There are too many good ones to choose from, and there are three that I’ve narrowed down that I want but I only get 2 new spells. So I need to either knock one off the list or get rid of one of my old spells.

I didn’t expect this whole D&D thing was going to put me through such difficult choices.


Ah, I’m sorry, had no idea. Swing and a miss on that joke

Same, TBF.

Good choice!

My most used is the Dark Sword.

Because the only character who uses a straight sword (making do until i can get Crucifix of the Mad king) is wearing Dark Wraith gear so may as well go whole hog.

i’m a big pvphead so despite my appreciation for big heavy swords i can’t use dark swords

the days of r1r1r1r1r1 meta are long behind us

now is the reign of r1r1r2 meta to rollcatch people
(and it really makes you appreciate the sheer reach of the lothric knight straight sword)

Yeah, it does!

As said, just making do until I can get my weapon of choice on the character and the Dark Sword will continue to be their back up weapon when crap’s resistant to dark.

it’s okay, no harm done.

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Is it bad that I still preferred the size scale and animations of the DS1 Zweihander to the later versions? :man_shrugging:

That’s fair.

As said, i’m not really an UGS user *in any of the games)

My most experience with them is in 1 since i have a Giant Dad.

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honestly bros bring back dark souls 2 power stance and general weapon variation


The legend never diiiies~ :musical_note:

Right, time for the pain of getting to Sir Vilhelm without either; Slumbering Dragoncrest or Hidden Body

When your best pawn gets an infected booboo from a deer bite, only just comes through from it but then gets smushed by a meteorite made from sandstone.

Thank you Randy Random, very cool. Very cool.

Undead Rapport

Not even got to Abyss Watchers, let alone Profaned Capital.

For a moment I thought you were talking about some weird variation of chess. Can you imagine my disappointment when I realized it was just Rimworld?

Deers OP, buff Bishops.


Bandit Dagger’s bleed really did its job.

Didn’t get to push him off, just bled him.

why ya gotta jab me like that man? :weary:

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I cannot unread RimWorld as being some kind of sex thing I’m sorry

I got mad when I realised several mods I wanna use are playing up + need updating, so I need to wait a while longer for the modders to do their thing