Pet peeves: The return (Part 1)

Yeah 1.3 was a big boi, some of the mods that do work are a bit jank. Mood colours made the UI disappear if I quit the game and reloaded a save. Gunna give it some time before I trawl the workshop, let the modders do their thing with the newfangled mechanics.

Seem to get VIP treatment from my vets.

Phoned dispensary to get more pills for Leo, they’re like; “it’ll be ready in 2 days”

Now just had a phone call from one of the vets and they’re like; “We can get them ready for you today”

EDIT: I was more than happy to wait 2 days for them, got enough to last him.

EDIT2: When I say I, i mean he gets VIP treatment, guess that’s what being a nearly-20 year old cat gets you.

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Would adopt orc or bugbear mascot. Also half orc half bugbear mascot. The bigger and meaner looking the mascot the better.

All STR weapon are equal but the Bloodborne wheel is equaller.

He deserves it!

Pizza Cutter.

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The big question: do I make my first Rimworld colony’s ideology cannibalism

Me playing a wholesome prank on a friend (giving her a push to tell her crush how she feels) appears to have leaked out and caused problems with her becoming a subject of gossip.

I feel poopy.

Yes, in this environmentally friendly colony we recycle everything

why am i always being blamed when someone mentions a lizard

im not the only one of the entire lizard family !!!

I made a custom ideology, and I love how it created its own little biography description of it.

We’re ‘Stellar Archists’ who believe we need to ‘consume and merge with’ others / people who aren’t us, in our pursuit of emulating the Archotechs.

Yes, I also enjoy transhumanism.

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you’re the only lizard we know

All the real geckos can’t type because their suckers get stuck on the keys

one more win for the claw feets i guess :pensive: :fist:

More like consumehumanism

Oh no, I’m cooooming

Starting off as tribal transhumanists is rough, the mood debuffs for using stone age weapons and not being body modded is rough. People be going catatonic and berserk.

Players will do ridiculous things to get pets.
It’s not me, but my fellow payers. We adopted so many things in Rime of the Frostmaiden

We haven’t found anything to adopt yet, although I’ve got a chwinga that’s for some reason to chosen to hang out with my wizard and is living inside his robe.

We also adopted a Chwinga, it proved to be very useful whenever we got gifted a charm from it.

mine hasn’t gifted me a god damn thing

For shame.
Ours didn’t gift us all the time but every so often we’d get a charm from it curtesy of DM giving us a tiny bit of help.

Might as well list what else we adopted…
12 dogs (2x 6 member packs), 1 basilisk from [SPOILER], an awakened penguin in [also SPOILER], the Chwinga, an axebeak and a goat.

our bard spoke to a pack dog using one of their spells and for some reason our DM voiced him (the dog) like urianger from ff14. was the funniest :poop: ever

i’d adopt him just to make the DM keep doing that voice