Pet peeves: The return (Part 1)

Oh, I know what you mean. Whenever possible, my main or “canonical” character in every RPG is always an elf or the closest thing the setting has (e.g. sylvari).

Not ESO, though. Elder Scrolls elves don’t really play into what I personally like about the elf race fantasy.

Foiled by autocorrect again

me but with dwarves (not in wow)

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Dwarves are also a keen second choice tbh.

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I think its nice to have a tribe of lotion paddling elves.

Always elves, never dwarves

My life motto

I’m not actually bothered by the neck thing. A lot of body gear has collars anyway.

Here’s my current glamour:

I’m only level 24 and this probably looks downright tame by lategame standards.

Reminded that my Highlander’s glam is anything impractical because I was going for a popstar look.


Extremely tame

booba+butt glam, I see what you’re about :eyes:

For that character?


my method is just to be that gigachad meme about seeing a game where you can be any number of species or class and i pick a human warrior

Peeve: Scalpers.


I would absolutely be an Elezen main if I hadn’t gotten so attached to my Highlander over the course of the story. I can’t imagine being anyone else in a cutscene.

Heavensward in particular really makes you love them.

I couldn’t be anything except an Elezen or Hyur because I’m very very picky about my character and how they need to look like my ideal of the Warrior of Light

I am normally all about elves but FF14 has two different kinds of catboys

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miqo’te hella cute+hella cool

unrelated my older brother (who lives in the U.S.) postponed his wedding from last year because of the whole “global pandemic ravaging the population” thing and pushed it back to October this year. I was planning on attending, even though I really don’t want to go to that country, but upon checking travel guidance it seems that unsurprisingly visas aren’t being granted for travel from Plague Island to Antivaxxland.

I guess it saves me the cost of a plane ticket but really I’d rather have been there for the big day.

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Couldn’t not be a catboy named after The Cat in FF14 (will always be my main)


A streamer I watch couldn’t go and take care of her fiancee (who had to have an operation) because of the restrictions (streamer lives in UK, fiancee lives in US)

All this FFXIV reminds me I should log onto the game and play… introduce whatever the name of the world is to the glory of Lord Beans

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