Pet peeves: The return (Part 1)

I’m not, I honestly haven’t touched the game in a couple of months. With that said, my “off time” with work is almost over and I’m gonna need to whittle away evenings while at work.

I’m sure I can power through the “Wall” if I’ve got nothing else to do. :weary:

If you haven’t then yeah, start again, come be on Omega with us!

My main point was, if you were in ishgard, I’d personally pay to move, but since you haven’t done it yet anyway then, yeah, may as well restart if you’re gonna.

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Back home to European shores. :pray:


You don’t necessarily have to do that in Endwalker. Can just visit Omega whenever you want to RP.

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Random thought about Warriors in RP.

Taunt is depicted as a seemingly supernatural ability to convince even very intelligent and tactically aware enemies to focus their attack on the Warrior, even at the cost of more vulnerable or important allies.

Is this something anyone incorporates into their RP? Maybe through some kind of soft-mind control spell? (Though I guess that is what the DK Dark Command is meant to be).

It feels like ‘merely’ insulting the opponent isn’t going to be effective against opponents who are not easily fooled, do not speak your language, are not sapient at all, etc.

Exploring rage as an actual power, maybe akin to the concept of ki/chi, rather than just martial ability is cool as hell and I wish more people did it


I agree the concept of chi is cool, but WoW already ran away with it and gave it to monks, who are very specifically not Warriors.

Which is cool for the monks but unfortunate for us warriors!

Similar to ki, I meant! Basically using some innate magic (likely Titan magic, given some of the Warrior’s more powerful abilities) that push a person beyond their natural ability.

Hence how they can jump 40 feet forward, slash someone so hard that healing magic stops working, or shout a taunt that is so effective that the world around the target effectively disappears and only the warrior is there

I think, as with a lot of things, it depends on the character and the race?
Like, how a Gnome warrior and a Tauren warrior express ‘taunt’ would, imo at least, be very different. Gnomes (and Goblins) can explain things with any number of gadgets, from shock-prods/darts to the canon friendly ‘taunt-o-tron’ style things etc.
A Tauren probably carries off Taunt by just being the biggest darn threat in the room, i.e. ‘bring it down, bring it down!’

Peeve, my net is being super screwy again. Keeps dropping in and out. You’re hard wired in, I know the router is fine cos my phone is fine with it.
PC needs to stop being so damn dramatic…

I fell asleep super early yesterday and woke up at 5am. Only to fall asleep again.

May have been tired :thinking:

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Rage is believing so hard you change reality subconsciously. Byproduct: Taunt is believing that the enemy will attack you so hard that they actually do.


I know you asked me not to reply to you but I wanted to spew my thoughts on this since you brought it up.

I don’t see Taunt as something supernatural. It’s about making yourself the most threatening thing to the target, rather than compelling them to attack you at the expense of common sense.

Yeah okay it gets a bit silly when it’s Billy Bob McThornston the Third with his wooden buckler and rusted short sword but if he can pull it off so can anyone else.

With rage though, I’ve dabbled in tapping into the more superhuman aspects of it in RP and I’m always a bit leery about going all in on it. The most I’ve used is Enraged Regeneration esque ability and name dropping some strikes like Sunder or Raging Blow while describing them. e.g. “Sax’s attack was swung with so much strength it would sunder armour”

I’ve yet to throw a Storm Bolt though.

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Yeah 100% true and i have it on good authority that capital-dubya Warrior RPers are EXTREMELY muscular irl both physicially and mentally.


Same story here. Not that I mind the more supernatural/elemental takes on other warrior abilities, but Taunt is all about drawing attention to yourself as the single most important foe on the battlefield.

Had to swap Onyx Blade out for Greatsword of Judgement for Twin Princes.

Its really telling how resistant to dark they are when a sword I barely have stats to use does more damage than the one I have loads of stats to use.

I loaded up my original ds3 character after a year and change of not using that one and went for some pvp

Apparently the last thing i decided to do when i last logged off that char was make a WMD because the build rocks an ornstein’s spear that can put 1200 damage on enemy players with the weapon art at SL120

Most people at that point don’t have over 1100 health


Warrior Taunt is basically being the Frenchman from the Monty Python and the Holy Grail movie.


They’re DS PVPers.
They probably deserve it :stuck_out_tongue:

Decided to parry/greater combust Gundyr down.

Forgot to equip my pyro rings.

Also my pyro flame on this character is +3.

What on earth has gone ON with this character?