Pet peeves: The return (Part 1)

i mean sometimes yeah

but some DS PvPers are just actual puppies
the other day i got darkmoon blade summoned into the aldrich faithful area, and eventually found the host stuck on a ladder with 3 invaders standing at the top throwing things down at him

i really tried to be nice and make my presence known, i even called out, stood around a bit, wiggled my weapons, but they just somehow failed to notice that i was an enemy

So I launched all 3 of them off the edge with a greatsword swing


That the ladder down to where the 2 pontiff beasts are?

Wish you recorded it, wouldā€™ve been amazing to watch

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I guess Im just still jaded about the number of low level twinked out invaders that have ruined things in the past :joy:

Still sad that I made a lvl 1 run-through myself, and outfitted it like a horror monster; raggedy stone armour from Oolaciel, massive meat cleaver, plank shield and egg head.
I used to just advance threateningly at people, letting the parasite chatter at them :grinning_face_with_smiling_eyes: I think I either ran out of normal lowbies or made the mistake of levelling a little, and ended up only vs lvl 100+s ahaha. Rip.

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My only realy PvP experience is in 3 on the hollow warden twinblades.

Watch people panic run away when they take 2 hits and their bleed bar is nearly full.

Then throw a kukri at them to proc it.


Thatā€™s the one, yeah. The host was just a little down from it, ready to start punching if they got on, while all three of them were completely tunnel visioned

and yes, I wish Iā€™d recorded it

yeah these suck majorly, whenever i run a new char i just speedrun up to the farron woods unembered, twinks tend to only be common in undead settlement and high wall of lothric


Managed to make my Elezen alt on Omega and I treasure him deeply.

I also made him a lancer and no I do not for a moment regret it.


Are you on?

Do you want a CWL invite?

Found the Estinien fanboy


I went out to the park after I made him but Iā€™ll jump on again later.

who isnā€™t, tho

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I know this is unreasonable, given what game heā€™s in, but I found him to be a bit too anime for my taste. Heā€™s alright, but could tone down the angst a bit (he kinda did in his appearances after Heavensward)

My main gripe with everything and I do voice my contempt for such things as much as opportunity allows.

Even so, Iā€™m tempted to try again if RP is avaliable.

absolutely not, thatā€™s his best feature

FF14ā€™s honestly at its best when it dives both feet into being completely ridiculous

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Thereā€™s less open world RP than on AD, but it does exist. I went to a market night event that gathered about 30 people yesterday. And thereā€™s a very active Discord for Chaos datacenter RPers.

I guess youā€™re right. At the time he did prompt a few eye rolls from me, but at this point heā€™s alright.

At the risk of angering the masses, I really dislike Gaia. At least from what Iā€™ve seen of her in the Eden quest line. Everything from her design to her personality. I just really not have patience for these characters anymore.

Walked into the Corvian Chapel wondering why Iā€™m getting invaded by Sir Vilhelmā€“

then remember that this isnā€™t my Onyx Blade character.

On topic of Warrior abilities, I always used to be one whoā€™d want everything to be realistic because of how I was introduced to WoW RP, and I think that was also during the peak of GoT so it influenced a lot of low-fantasy RPā€¦

ā€¦until Warlords of Draenor, where I joined TCG and someone in there actually had fun with the warrior abilities, and it was just so refreshing (and even encouraged!) that I just immediately gravitated towards it. If each class can do so many fun things, why canā€™t the warriors cause shockwaves or slam with such force they cause thunder to strike?

Granted, it was probably more into heavy headcanon and sprinkled in with some pseudo-Druidic stuff, but it was just very fun to RP with.

Or well, until Legion came that probably made all canon warrior abilities just Odynoid stuff, but I never had a high level warrior so I wouldnā€™t know.

I guess thatā€™s the peeve: Odyn. Odynā€™s always a peeve.

Odyn made the Maw terrible itā€™s literally his fault


The Eye-trade
Helyaā€™s transformation
The tearing away a good chunk of an Old Godā€™s prison (weakening it, so the Curse of Flesh was introduced, Loken went insane and tons of other consequences)
His tantrums
The guy is a good contender for the 'Azeroth biggest villain" tittle

As long as thereā€™s something beyond breeders trying to pull tails.