Pet peeves: The return (Part 1)

you’ll find that it looks that way because it is.

She was designed entirely by a guest artist from other squeenix projects, mr Tetsuya Nomura

probably still more fair than what I do to the poor abyss watchers

you can chain charged heavy the boss one to death with ultra greatswords before the adds come in and then do the same to the phase 2 boss and it’s honestly just sad

Makes sense I guess? He’s worked on other ff games and kingdom hearts, but neither really explain her design to me. She feels more like what a player would make if given the liberty. But I guess these things aren’t mutually exclusive. Genuinely thought she was meant to be a Baby Metal crossover character or some such lol

Are you on FF14 atm? need an invite for my Elezen!

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oh cool, so basically the headcanon didn’t get confirmed into being a headcanon then, sweet :sunglasses:

(still odyn poo)

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No, but I can be!

2 secs.

EDIT: Who am i inviting?

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Maurelin Charlamend.

Just waiting to get through the queue

(I like Gaia, I thought she was fine)

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Her character is somewhat okay later on after she stops being a dweeb but it takes a long time to look past her giant eyes and lips

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My first impression was, “Uh oh the loli nonces are gonna love her”

But otherwise I had no issue with her appearance, it helped pull off the petulant teen vibe with her

Why? She’s ugly as sin. its like clown makeup but that’s actually her lips.

haha no that happened later when the much younger looking character


stripped naked during a bossfight as one of her attacks :upside_down_face: I loved Gaia when she was in Kingdom Hearts and FFX and soon NEO TWEWY.

I had to be told that even happened, because I straight up didn’t notice with all the flashing lights and effects going on

wdym those are all totally definitely unique characters

it helps that it’s accompanied with the indicator of being an attack where you have to look away, but it’s still certainly a design choice that has been made for some reason

I’m just a smoothbrain who’s distracted by all the pretty colours, I didn’t even avoid the attack


In fairness I think Skuld and Lulu’s personalities were both different enough to Gaia’s. Dunno about Shoko because the game’s not out yet.

IDK about Skuld, but Lulu is definitely very different to Gaia.

I’ve only played FFXIV and none of the other titles (except for the very start of the one with Blitzball in it), and even I know Square Enix has a rule of (at least) one goth girl per game

that’s the one Lulu’s in and is one of my favourites.