Pet peeves: The return (Part 1)

Lulu’s skirt is made up of roughly 28 belts.

I watched my housemate playing it while back, and I love that John DiMaggio is there trying to pull off a Hawaiian accent

i miss rp :frowning:

You do more damage in the fire and no tank or healer will convince me otherwise. They just want it for themselves however like a modern day prometheus I steal it from them…

If I die it’s their fault for not healing me enough, simple as


Healing cuts into my Glarecasting sorry not sorry.


Very true, don’t know why healers have to get all up in my business. Shoulda healed instead of writing a saga on how to avoid their boss’s “aggro” and his “enrage”. Don’t care about your work life hon. :roll_eyes:

if you’re getting hurt just heal yourself?? oh you can’t?? That sounds like a ‘you’ problem to me

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most annoying thing about ff14 is not being able to mail money/items to alts

super frustrating

A lot of my healing boils down to me internally screaming “OH GOD OH NO” every minute or two because I’m easily panicked and there’s more to keep track of than when I’m DPSing

Feed the dog whose on a special diet, she finishes her food so i pick it up.

Huge excuse and Mini start sniffing where her bowl was to see if she left scraps.

Me - “there’s nothing there,” points at huge excuse, “you’re an idiot,” points at Mini, “you’re an idiot” see the cat trying to do his sneak walk, point at him, “you’re a cat idiot”

Do you want a hand?

can do the trade thing again.

Would be useful if you could spot me 25k and I’ll pass it back over to you


25k what a pauper


how dare you poverty shame me

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It’s alright I have under 200k again because I keep spending my gil frivolously

There’s just too many cool things to buy tbh


I still have my completely bare apartment in Lavender Beds, because I’m totally useless at playing interior decorator