Pet peeves: The return (Part 1)

since i really hate myself


first of all:

what are the elven-equiv races and most edgiest/darkest caster?

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I wish that was me. Wouldn’t have to mute myself while healing. What a dream.

Elezen, Black Mage.


its settled then

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Elezen are elves.

Black Mage
Ninja (uses some spell-like abilities)
Dark Knight (dark magic tank)
the upcoming Reaper job in Endwalker is edgy melee DPS too.


sadly the UNHELPFUL posters above have failed to mention the other elf-type race, the lalafel

and white mages literally make people suffer in the name of the blood lilly so they’re edgier than black mages who are basically just regular ol’ mages


Cmon folks it’s more like a regular wow mage. It’s black magic in name only :roll_eyes:

If you ant to be edgy and cast spells, you should probably be a ninja.

way too naruto to be edgy honestly

I’d go Summoner TBH.

its a dot-based class and you summon egi’s of the gods you slay.


You both clearly don’t understand my need to have yet another target that will cry about me using life grip because it ruins their dps.
And Elezen are just easier to locate visually.

Never played a priest in WoW these people smh

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People have an aversion to switching tyres here, they’ll drive in wet winter weather in their summer tyres.

Also the moment is snows southern sweden+whole of Denmark is “PANIC!!!” and closed roads n stuff its hillarious.

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Black mages play very similarly to WoW’s Arcane Mage with burn and conserve phases if that helps you work out what to play

(choose Thaumaturge at char creation, that’s the class that leads into black mage)

oh yeah re: this just a simple list because the game doesn’t really clarify it anywhere

conjurer → white mage (healer)
thaumaturge → black mage (caster DPS)
lancer → dragoon (floor tank)
archer → bard (ranged DPS)
marauder → warrior (tank)
arcanist → summoner/scholar (yes it has 2, caster DPS and healer respectively)
gladiator → paladin (tank)
pugilist → monk (melee DPS)

you can’t start as rogue but you can pick it up later which transitions into naruto


i’m now 50/50 between thaumaturge and arcanist

if you like arcane mage, go thaumaturge.

If you like… all warlock specs with a bit of shadow priest, go arcanist

If in doubt, Arcanist - it is basically WoW’s Warlock with DoTs and a pet, and transitions into a heal class and a DPS class that you level up simultaneously

also your primary weapon is a book and it is never not funny in cutscenes

i’ll be honest m88 arcanist is a truly dreadful starting experience because, due to it later branching into both a DPS and a healer job, it’s a really awkward mix of both that has bad damage and bad healing

Last winter we actually had some winter-y weather here and I watched a mini cooper try to make a u-turn while I was on my way to work. With summer tyres. On a snow and ice covered street.
Thankfully the edges of the street where all covered in small hills of still soft snow so they didn’t ruin their paint.

Okay but why would you wanna be a dweeb wizard when you could be a friggin samurai or a dude with AN EXPLODING SWORD?


my wrists hurt at the very notion