Pet peeves: The return (Part 1)


Go black mage if you want to start in a desert, go arcanist if you want to start in a pirate town.

I like samurai, but only if I yeet the weeb aesthetic and work toward an eorzean swordmaster look


Can’t start the game as either of those you silly goose.

that is the best feature of the class you rube

I like my very weeby SAM main.

But all of her wardrobe is weeby regardless of her class.

yeah, else the instant recommendation for edgiest class would be blue mage

weeb aesthetic is never the best anything

If “fight a master samurai by cutting down the gusts of winds he sends at you” isn’t considered great in its hammy terribleness IDK what to tell you

Yasuo flashbacks

My samurai headcanon is, Eorzean swordmaster who’s refined their craft by incorporating some Eastern sword practices into their style due to their time over there

I am unable to use Hakaze without saying Hazaki instead

One of my non-AD friend’s always dresses his SAm up as a Cowboy.

I love it.

I also love my weebsh*t but I get very particular about my personal headcanons for my WoL.

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Depends on my WoL.

my main is going for the Dark Souls aesthetic next expansion.

my weeb dragon is as it says on the tin.

and my bunny girl is The Bride from Kill Bill

I can’t use bunnies or scalies :pensive:

They’re not native Eorzeans so they feel out of place in the story until their respective expansions, and I get very focused on that detail

you don’t get the blood lily until real late though, which is a shame.

These are the same pictures


level it as something else and race change when you get to the expansion they’re relevant in?

no!!! it still doesn’t feel right

I only have one character so obviously IC he’s the azure dragoon and master samurai and crimson duelist extroadinaire with Ifrit and Garuda under his thrall


Doesn’t crush on my reality too much since I’m normally surrounded by other players playing those races so i fit right in.

until you realise that every other viera player dresses theirs in the skimpiest thing possible and i’m rolling around fully covered most of the time because mine is a massive nerd.