Pet peeves: The return (Part 1)

You’re a long way away from Stormwind, traveler.

my headcanon jumps around constantly to accomodate for the different classes i’ve played

imagine not being a black mage and making healers adjust

lets you die
I adjusted :slight_smile:

The only thing healers will adjust is your location :blush:

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ngl i had a black mage say it on eden leviathan a few nights ago

so i adjusted and rescued him after levi broke the platform into a chasm

That’s my peeve. It seems like the reverse of WoW.

Arcanist is the mage-equivalent lore-wise but the playstyle isn’t my thing, since as a mage I want to pewpewpew elemental spells rather than manage summons and DoTs. I started as an arcanist, but ended up switching to archer, which is a more straightforward DPS class.

Thaumaturge sounds more like my thing gameplay-wise, as I like the WoW arcane mage gameplay, but the dark magic flavor puts me off.

Black magic is best thought of more like elemental/destructive magic rather than dark magic. Black magic is fire, ice and lightning magic (and non-elemental things like Flare later on), whereas white magic is either healing or earth/wind.

I don’t remember the black mage quests being anything like the edgy darkboi levels of Dark Knight

Not really apart from learning forbidden spells, summoning demons from the void and getting on a few of the conjurer’s from Gridania’s nerves.

EDIT: Even the summoning of the voidsent is like-- summon so you can put right something that went wrong over wow warlock stuff.

EDIT2: Completed black mage story up to 70 and hated every minute of it.

but arent you glad you got to experience shantotto refferences

they were not

…Is there any elaboration? Because that’s very close to selling me on black mage (thaumaturge)?

Ach the jobs are confusion my soup brain

FFXIV peeve: key bindings and hotbar arrangements are client-side and thus are not synced between my two installations. WoW stores them server-side.


That’s just the cliff notes version of class story plot.

Without spoiling.


A little

Long long ago there was a big war between white mages and black mages and they both lost and nuked everyone but because the descendants of what was once the white mage society use prettier magic they have managed to establish themselves as good bois while the remnants of the black mages are all pretty much all dead

anyway the player character finds a rock that helps them not cook themselves inside out when using extra fun magic i.e black magic

Other people also try to use extra fun magic but have no rock and therefore cook themselves inside out (fun is as such monopolized to the great dismay of non-rock owning wizards)

the demons (voidsent) aren’t a huge part of it all in all, it comes with the concept of forbidden knowledge and all that but if hanging with demons is what you’re after you’ll be considerably more interested in the upcoming Reaper job which is like demon hunter but shadowy instead of green and also they’re friends with the demons instead of eating them

Gridania, the home of white mages and conjurers, straight up goes after people that cross the line from thaumaturgy into black magic because, again, their own magic is prettier and therefore morally superior

spoilers: gridania is literally the worst
just in any field honestly

exception: catboy population

not an exception

all the worthwhile catgirls* are in thanalan
nothing good comes out of gridania

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You can copy them across.

Think that’s what the “back up character settings” button is for.

ok slight correction don’t take friends literally here it’s more like making dark pacts instead of eating the voidsent

does ffxiv have like talent paths or whatever for each class (job?) as well

like black mages do fire ice and something, can u specialise into fire black mage

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