Pet peeves: The return (Part 1)

everyone gets the same skills everything

black mage is basically fire for big damage manaburning and ice for building up your resources again


Summoner/Scholar is the closest thing to a ‘same class different talents’ situation, but you don’t really need talent builds to differentiate players when you can swap classes with two button clicks

Obviously you have to level up those classes separately, but you get catchup XP that scales with the difference between your current job and your highest level so it does speed up

there are smooth brains who think their a fire or ice specific black mage and refuse to cast the other in dungeons

it creases me

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That’s some really muscular roleplaying to be honest.


true tbf. its between that and the macho man randy monk i had recently for me

i have a handy dandy image to terrify potential future black mages

this is your max level rotation

(dw it looks a bit menacing but honestly you grow into it as you level)

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These forums are now just a bashing tool against Actiblizzard and publicity billboard for FF14.

Not sure how to feel about it. Everything has gone so fast it’s almost dizzying.

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yeah with the game in its current state and its developers in their current state it should be no surprise that people are inclined to go explore their options

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seen one whose rotation was; fire 1, ice 1, fire 1, ice 1, fire 1, ice 1, fire 1, ice 1, etc.

Also saw one who I could’ve sworn thought they were a league of legends character.

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love it when the first shot in an anime starts with the stock anime crickets chirping sound effect honestly
my mood immediately is set

I’m not blaming anyone for making that choice.

The unraveling is just happening so fast but it’s clear to me things have been simmering for a loooooong time.

That moment when the mad season show doesn’t end with “see you soon”.

If you don’t play red mage and only use your melee rapier moves, don’t even talk to me

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looks @ u then places gaze of the dragon on the scholar

Magic flingers in red are kind of my thing. Rapiers too? Oh my.

Not what I expected out of 2021, that’s for sure.

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Fancy hats too. Maybe I’ll give it a try later.

Have to get a class to 50 to be able to be Red mage.

but its worth it, its my favourite caster class in FF14.


It’s okay I can talk about Apex Legends instead!!

red mages are pretty neat