Pet peeves: The return (Part 1)

will you two just kiss already


what are your scouts going to do to my hulk villagers though? chads and stacies beating up your horsemen with clubs only!

yeah adelais, what if we kissed… …

in aoe2 :flushed: :point_right: :point_left:

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kisses u with my sick a/f feudal age raids (where i continue to produce vills all throughout @ home)

[tries to fit in]

uh did you know english longbows outrange castles when fully upgraded?

ew, we got a br*t\on player here :unamused:

that’s fine, fabric shield eagles go brrrrr

kisses u with a tower rush as i continue to deny the existence of any nerfs to incan tower rush

smiles at the camera

For some reason that always reminds me of playing Ragnarök online back in the day.


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@ Adelaís and Nerathion get a room

anyone wanna get married in eorzea…

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i mean, I do.

But I’m on omega and you’re on Balmung.

The hedgehog knocked over the bird bath to get to the water. There is a second, flatter bird bath available.
But no
the spiny agent of chaos had a very specific need

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final fantasy posters simply cannot stand the mighty siege + monk push of nerathion and myself…


Whatever helps you sleep at night.

I thought you were referring to the Mass Effect character before Elenthas linked that video.

Hey Lintian, since you were talking about upgrading the ff trial account, did you do it?

I did! Upgraded to the Steam version, since it’s much cheaper where I live.


Fair enough!

I have something to give you next time you’re on.

I’m online right now :slight_smile:

Edit: got it, thanks!

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i often ponder the conversation that went on between yoshi-p and yoko taro regarding the design of the first tier nier gear and what the lore was on the fact it made everything more :eyes: