Pet peeves: The return (Part 1)

I have my weapon!


Skeletor has gone full upgrade.

It would be much easier if I rang the folks I need to/want to in regards to house purchasing and mortgage advice stuff.

Unfortunately phone calls are the #1 way to get me spiralling into Anxiety attacks, so… emails it is, and pray. Ahah :cry:

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All I know is that Ninja has hand signs that are named 1, 2 and 3
and that lag can make some funky things happen with these

that’s as far as I got in my adventures

I’m jelly
they look so soft


Ten Chi Jin.
I often get rabbit in wizard hatted because I’m a moron.


Doesn’t even have to be lag. The game seem to have a slight spell queueing enabled and I couldn’t find a way to disable it (wow had this too and you could turn it on or off, not sure if it’s still in), so if you press the same button twice, even though the spell goes through its own 0.5 sec CD, it will still register your 2nd press and you will end up looking like a complete tool. So when you press those ninjutsus, you really should only press each once, no spamming.

idk the exact mechanics but it feels like spells actually “finish” their spellcasting about a half second before the castbar completes, meaning you can stutter step GCD spells to move even while chaining hardcasts.

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It’s just early access to bunny bois!

I’ve played on one of the US server centres (so high ping) and during a week where the dungeon servers were especially creative you could press your buttons correctly and still end up with bunny hat if you did it too fast.

Yes that’s a thing as well and it goes for mobs/bosses too. I honestly still struggle with it sometimes, certainly prefer wows more snappy casting.

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You have around a second of free movement while casting.

So you can move in the last second of the spell and it will still go off, no stutter stepping involved, its designed like that.

Once you know the timing, you become the ultimate BLM.

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Rats :3

I love rats so much but my fragile heart cannot handle their life spans


Get to the end of a calculator form on a site, then get a ‘System error’ and it just goofs off.

Why are SO many things that are quite important and quite necessary SO BADLY MADE OR CODED?!

Frustrated screaming into a cushion

Today’s peeve: I wish the FFXIV cinematics etc would feature a fem WoL sometimes, not just stubbly white guy

doo doo dooo

That’s Mr Meteor to you my friend.

Maybe they’ll genderflip them after Endwalker and the next era of 14 begins.

They could do a Mass Effect 3 where they do two versions of the cinematic, I guess.

Just make the WoL a male viera

that’s all we’ll be playing anyway


Red/Blue/Green flavour ._.

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