Pet peeves: The return (Part 1)

I don’t see why it has to be the same WoL in every cinematic. There are multiple WoLs in the story, so I don’t see why we can’t have a new one each time. Yeah I get that it shows that you can switch between jobs on the fly, but I’d rather they showed different races. Would also serve well to dispel misconceptions some players have that ffxiv races are just variations of human in budget basic halloween/cosplay costumes (ears+tail, how daring)

only one that’s The Big Boy, and The Big Boy needs to be recognizable

yeah that’s me

the hrothgar himbo saviour of eorzea

Look at this boy. not a single thought in his head

Someone very obviously poked their thumb through the packaging of my delivery to check the insides.
Guess they didn’t like metal though because nothing’s missing.

Also I finally got bothered to organise my new Sennheiser headphones and they’re nice and comfy.

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“Welcome to the Conjurers’ Guild! To be a conjurer is to be a healer and revere nature. Now, go slay some squirrels, ladybugs and funguars!”

More like “now go throw some rocks at small, innocent forest creatures”

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To be honest the Warrior of Light requires literally no critical thinking skills.

He/she gets told what to do, what to kill and just gets on with it. At most they might nod to confirm that they will do it.


As long as your neck is working, you qualify to be a warrior of light.


head empty, only saving

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Positively silky.

And my nose can’t handle their fur.

Lizards it is. Like a rat, but pointy and you can name it using skyrim dragon language.


An idea for a lizard terrarium: design it to look like one of the dragon shrines/word of power places.


With 3d printing now being avaliable to the relatively secure commoner, yeah why not?

That’s easy mode. Go outside and collect rocks to assemble an authentic shrine. Lord knows I’ve watched too many videos of people making pretty aquariums with rocks moss and such.

Oh damn I can actually put links into my posts now. Is this what ascension feels like…?

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we can use this power for good or evil

As far as I know you can always link to twitter and youtube. No matter which rank

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So I’ve tried out the bard’s perform action.


Couldn’t do it a few days ago. Unless I’m misremembering.

Still can’t post images. So now to go even further beyond!

My Warrior of Light is wrinkle-brained, and acts as the big sister to Alphinaud and Alisaie. :pray:

(And will probably shack up with Aymeric in Ishgard once all her world-saving is done.)

I’m not playing Skyrim but I am going to talk about a game design choice with the main story quest that I dislike.

In this case, it’s that they force you to meet and interact with 3 of the main other ‘faction storylines’ if you hadn’t already - the civil war, the thieves guild (when you go through their super secret sewer hideout to find Esbern) and the mage college (when you need to talk to a dude about finding an elder scroll).

It bugs me that they make you encounter the other factions pretty much face-to-face (hell, you have to ‘join’ the college to get inside for the next stage) instead of it being its own thing on its own. It comes across very much as Bethesda going “we don’t want you to miss this! make sure you see it!” instead of letting players touch it if they want and ignore it if they don’t. Chances are you also were forced to encounter the Companions*, so it’s probably only the Dark Brotherhood that you aren’t thrown face first at.

*their introduction also sucks btw. Absolute trash.

Oblivion’s MSQ was nothing to write home about but at least it didn’t dangle the other storylines in front of you like “ooh what about this and this”. I get how Skyrim’s approach might be preferable - it makes the world seem more interconnected for one, but it also serves to make it feel smaller.

when’s todd gonna release the Oblivion remaster/remake anyway

just be careful when collecting rocks and stuff from outside, make sure they’re smooth, washed, and won’t fall over because your lizard will absolutely climb on top of them like a true thembo