Pet peeves: The return (Part 1)

The lack of catch up on this was a little annoying at the time though - part of the reason I still don’t have Operation: Shieldwall / Domination Offensive flying mounts. If you started late, you still had to grind those several weeks’ worth of backlog to catch up with everyone else. Eventually they added the 100% rep boost token you could buy for that faction that unlocked account wide at Revered, but this was introduced towards the end of the expansion when that story content wasn’t relevant anymore.

For all its faults with Renown, at least it has a very quick catch up mechanism. Took me like 1 week to get to Renown 40, and the story chapters in 9.1 are locked behind one week’s worth of Renown which you can largely get in like 1 hour on reset day now to advance the story every Wednesday.

Still loved MoP to bits though, it’s my favourite expansion to date. Class design, raid design, world design were top tier. Pandaria feels like a lived in place where you don’t stumble into hostile mobs every 10 feet off the road. There’s tons of houses all over the place showing that people live here – except beyond the Wall, but that’s sort of the point of those two zones. Even the story was quite excellent if you ask me.

Agreed. And I liked that Stormsong Valley had them detailing the history of the Tidesages, but there ultimately weren’t that many of them and it was only about this one topic as opposed to for example telling us about Drustvar and Tiragarde histories as well in their respective zones.

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This made me smile.

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No, just the recent Cap comics
the usual issues
I’m just salt

Here’s the thing: the MoP developers developed scenario technology and then used it for the wrong purpose, tedious dungeons-but-not-really, which were far less fun to do repeatedly than regular dungeons.

In WoD onwards they had the right idea, integrating the scenario technology into the questing experience instead — thus giving us immersive and memorable bits of storytelling like the defense of Karabor and the Battle for Broken Shore.


Is Cap in there a MAGA hat or what

I don’t think I rly care for Cap in the Comics though, so I may escape salt yet

It’s been raining SO MUCH the last three days.

At least it means I won’t have to water the plants…

The entire month of July here in France has been mild. We’ve had like a single week of heatwave, two solid weeks of biblical rain and weather that’s more akin to an early Spring season.

Not complaining, it’s fine in my books, crushing heat is not what I want anytime soon. Summer yes, not heatwave though.

Taking what i have learned about savannah villages being on stilts in minecraft; going to make a swamp village on stilts.

No, cap is generally written with a leftish angle but the writing is bad. The new event thingy with him features a bunch of new minority characters who were inspired by him in universe. First one is LGBT+
But doesn’t matter. writing bad. salt. salt. salt.

You may not like it

You might resent it

you may even fear it

but this is what peak performance looks like

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furless 0/10


Not a Duskwight


is there a Glamouring for Dummies guide in the world? I’ve got the very basic ‘turn one item into another’ bit done but the rest is completely arcane to me

Okay; so you need to go into the inn of any main city and find this thing;

That’s the glamour dresser, if you click on it, you can add things from your inventory to the dresser;

Then click edit glamour plates to be able to sort “sets” like you can in WoW;

To apply glamour plates to yourself, click this button on your character page;

And you can apply the glam to yourself, but only in cites and areas like idylshire;

Same rules apply as normal glam, you can’t mog DoM gear onto DoW gear etc.

Lets talk about dyes!

Some items are dyeable and others are not, to tell if an item is dyeable you need to look for the little circle in the top right corner, notice the red circled item has the small circle in the top right corner whereas the blue circled item does not.

You can also dye items in the glamour dresser, there is 2 ways of doing this, on the dresser page like above.

or on the plate page.

Do note, that if you dye the item on the glamour dresser page, the item will be dyed every time you add it to a plate, whereas if you dye it on a plate, it’ll only be dyed on that plate specifically. The item in the dresser will be uneffected.

Lets talk about the Armoire next door to the dresser.

Some items can be stored in the armoire, usually event items, it does not cost glamour prisms to put things in the armoire.

Do note, that the only way to dye things that are in the armoire is to dye the item on the plate.

You can add things from the armoire to your plates by clicking the open Armoire button


They did that in MoP too I think, like the siege of the thunder isle or the fall of Shan Bu.
I don’t like too much the idea of doing long chain of quests. Often because I have to do them to unlock stuff I want :sob:

I have mixed feelings about scenarios, I recall getting bored by them at the end of the expansion + grinding them for valor points (=world quests in a nutshell) but also liking the scenario as an easy way to kill time in low-effort dungeons that 3 people could solo. I may have rose-tinted glasses on as, now that I think about it, asking for the scenario gaming experience is almost like asking for an island expedition with a bit of a story behind it.

Dare I say… bring them back?!

It’s been 10 years but the Skyrim main theme is still pretty damn amazing


My face when I saw this.

Yay! Now I can transmog without burning all my prisms


People who complain about other people doing your job wrong but also refuse to do your job or explain how you want it done: why.

Just go away. Leave.


My carpentry is higher then my archery, yes i’m the falafel that makes ladders so we can punch you in the face.