Pet peeves: The return (Part 1)

My peeve is not having trust level 3 and not even knowing which specific requirements I’m missing.

Probably read 50% of the whole forums (gen, pvp etc.) for… 100 days?

Must have visited at least 50% of last 100 days
Must have replied to at least 10 different topics
Of topics created in the last 100 days, must have viewed 500 topics
Of posts created in the last 100 days, must have read 20,000 posts (both starting posts and replies)
Must have received 20 likes, and given 30 likes.
Must not have received more than 5 spam or offensive flags (with unique posts and unique users for each, confirmed by a moderator)
Must not have been suspended (including forum suspensions or in-game account actions of any Blizzard game)


Using a raw broadsword until I can get Anri’s (which i won’t get until after pontiff because I want to do Yuria’s quest)

Man, it with gold pine resin destroyed Vordt before he’d even finished transitioning into his 2nd phase.

try a cooked broadsword.


That’d do less damage.

Peeve; the hammer-walnut method GW is taking with fan content and animations has already seen people starting to leave/shut down what they’re doing.

I despise the lack of any detail with the ‘all or nothing’ approach. I realise I know next to nothing about copyright, IP law and licencing but surely to goodness someone with a few more braincells than me could come up with a licence that basically boiled down to “You obviously have to handle your own creation, workflow, blah blah but, so long as we have final oversight for lore and IP and presentation reasons (i.e. not making stuff -phobic or plain offensive to real people) then you have our Ok”.

Could even call it something neat and geeky like the “Rogue Trader Charter” or something.
No ethical consumption under etc etc… -sigh-

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Entirely over hypothetical situations, lol

the warhammer fanbase and blowing things way out of proportion to the point of taking extreme actions, name a more iconic duo


honestly sounds great to me i hope they keep at it

While I agree with Adelais that the Warhammer fandom can err back and forth between ‘not caring about anything’ and ‘apocalyptic rage about basically nothing’, I do feel this is straying closer to something to actually be aware of and, really, mildly concerned about rather than not.

It just seems really weird to not only stifle creative stuff but also stuff that basically acts as free advertising. The other concern is ‘how far does it end up reaching’, i.e. will it get to the point where only official reviews of stuff are allowed? Maybe a little hyperbolic, but at the same time the ongoing stuff at the moment only highlights what we already knew; never trust Companies explicitly.

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but Kaytlinne, they post memes and banter with each other on twitter. they’re just like us

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How Do You Do, Fellow Kids.gif

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you have to understand that in my perfect world one can browse and post on the internet without fear of accidentally kickstarting a warhammer lore discussion where people try to prove that, no, their favourite faction is actually the grimmest AND darkest


My favourite part of Warhammer fans is trying to subtly work out if saying ‘man, the lore has a bunch of grandfathered in male chauvinism’ will send them into an apoplectic rage about how if women can be space marines then the entire galaxy would collapse

Did I say favourite, I meant the worst


Yeah I also think about these things all the time bro it do be messed up :weary:


Terminally online . Jpeg


FFXIV peeve: the inability of bard instruments to play multiple notes at once.

This really is a huge limitation, since it means that not only can’t you play chords, but most music that uses two hands on the piano (i.e. all but the simplest) can’t be played correctly either. Bard Music Player tries to work around this by playing the notes very closely one after the other, but this makes many tunes sound wrong and turn into a cacophony compared to playing those exact same MIDI files in WoW’s (fantastic) Musician addon.

Ultimately that’s just another one of many reasons why WoW remains the best MMO for RP.


Actually want to play FF more than just logging in to do my dailies.

EDIT: Swings and roundabouts, some months i only want to do the bare minimum and others I actually want to play.


You’re right.

Yeah, sadly there’s a lot of work still to do before the community is just ‘passive fandom level awkward’ rather than what it is now.
Sure would be nice if we could have creative spaces that aren’t Awful, both for staff and fans. Imagine that… :pensive:


Yeah, I went on a dive into Warhammer lore and it was simultaneously great to see so many years of story all building and interacting with one another (even a lot of the End Times story was fun, even with its flaws) but there’s still a ways to go.

The fact that ‘the men of this species are the only ones who fight; the women are either all unwilling or unable to fight and are really only there for breeding’ describes like five different factions in Warhammer fantasy is really disheartening.

I can ignore it when I’m having a blast blowing up Empire settlements as the One-Eye but also please hire more women I am begging you GW