Pet peeves: The return (Part 1)

Oh yeah. I honestly can’t really think of a bigger screw up by the Inquisition (Except maybe that one time they tried to start #¤&! with the Space Wolves…) than making that happen. No outcome will be good. Either you got a Hive Fleet juiced to the gills on biomass. Or you got an Ork Waagh roided to absolute hell on gruelling, hellish, disgusting warfare (just how they like it). No matter who wins. Everyone else loses.

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I just want to know what the ork diplomat delivering terms of surrender looked like.

Something like this.

in later in ff14 there’s beastmaster enemies that rock axe and shield



That coat looks great.

The part about the humans being made into cattle was creepy, though.

Oh yeah. Turbo gross. But also makes the orks appear as something more than just dumb brutes. They can be cruel.

100% First World problems I guess, but the current issues ongoing with both gaming and the likes of GW have really sapped my urge to partake in either. Which is a little galling, given I’m finally on a break from work and, pending having to sort mortgages and find a solicitor and chase houses next week, I’d like some time to relax and feel vaguely human again.

Could the world just stop being Overall Awful by the end of the year and into next? Pretty please? :frowning:

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…But wait, I’m just a level 33 adventurer. Nobody has declared me the Warrior of Light yet!

Kinda tempted to use the current sale to boost a class to level 70, just not sure which

I got my new glasses today, I can see in HD but lawdy the new glasses day is always a funky one bc your eyes feel so strained from adapting.

Why can’t our bodies just do the thing where nothing sucks


“It’s was just a fever dream, oOoOoOhHHH.” I’d take that any day.

They couldn’t be bothered to come up with a creative pre-expansion event so they just decided to recycle an old threat that was supposedly so dangerous they needed a “Jailer” of their own without thinking of the implications. There was so much that could have been done, they didn’t even do Legion styled invasion or have a more involved story… I mean c’mon, all these refugees cooped up in the same place with little distance and perhaps lack of medical aid and such could have been an interesting story to see playing out.

I will entertain a thread some day about how we could agree on how we should ignore Shadowlands lore as Server lore. Perhaps if it’s popular, we could forward that to Blizzard HQ lmao.

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God I feel this.
I’m super tempted to try contacts when I go to the opticians soon, but at the same time… stuff in eyes… iiiiiccckkk…

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I picture a great number of rickety Scourge rowboats…

And the community creates magical things.

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Contacts only suck the first few times and always suck when you gotta get them out again.
I might try contacts again down the road or when they find out more what laser eye operations do to people with glaucoma I may get one of those.

Note I do not have glaucoma, but it runs in the family

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I saw someone on twitter spam the people who got retweeted by WarCom, which is kind of hilariously impotent and indicative of how a lot of this is panning out. Anyone people can readily reach is unrelated to the decisions and giving them a hard time is insanely counterproductive.

Something something “Crusade LARPers”

One of the main issues is that there’s enormous disparities in terms of engagement. I know people who skimread wiki articles and people who’ve spent a lot of time and investment in it. I consider myself on the latter end, and once you break the surface - yeah. The setting is an unambiguous hellscape where the only people who prosper are a corrupt nobility. The problem is, a lot of people don’t enter beyond the surface so “cool space knight fighting demons” is the vast majority of the setting for them.

Common sense.
I would say it’s worth poking into every now and again simply because, when I was stumbling across it, finding the pages for any given faction was about three times longer than anything WoW had gave me a ton more worldbuilding to enjoy.

Tau were finally my gateway into partaking in the weirdposting of watching people get very very mad about fantasy/sci fi settings. Them winning would be dangerously based


I was told not to wear mine for too long… At least not outside of activities where it’s necessary. It’s dangerous for me to drive without them and they really strain my eyesight if I wear them all day.

You’ll soon learn the woes of having to mask up and also wear glasses, especially in Winter.

commie blueberries bad


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Tau are legit cool. I love how they make Imperium players mad because they show that you don’t have to be mega evil to survive in the setting.

Tau are more relatable than Imperial Guard.