Pet peeves: The return (Part 10)

You made a choice.

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I castā€¦ Pretend I never read it!


ā€¦ I forgot to pick up my meds today. I have to pick them up tomorrow and hope thereā€™s no complications because Iā€™m going away Wednesday.

Dumb butt me.

Dropped by the Stormwind harbour just to check out the average population there and ā€¦ uhā€¦ can we get a redo at burning the place down?



Iā€™m sure the character Binx wishes they were still a Dracthyr


I think fundamentally there is such a bizarre disconnect between what the game sets up and what the ending actually becomes that no mod in the world can solve the sensation of it being two entirely different stories. A good example of this is early to midway through the game where you can convince citadel security to allow more refugees to take up shelter on the station as their homes have been destroyed by reapers. However, at the end the Citadel is taken over and literally everyone on board gets mulched by reaper forces (that we never see). While it is not necessary for the game to touch on this directly, the idea that your only choice is to either have Shepherd condemn these people by forcing them back to reaper controlled space or let them be killed by reapers and dumped into giant corpse piles feels remarkably off, even compared to the darker missions of the game.


I got a download of A Certain Scientific Railgun Season 3 and it included a folder called ā€œGoodiesā€.

Turns out whoever put this together is a big fan of Saten Ruiko since it came with 3 Saten-focused AMVs and two 4k wallpapers of her. I gotta respect it.

A more complex game would have had the Paragon options occasionally bite you in the bum. ME was never that deep though, unfortunately.

Rogue Traderā€™s DLC does this and itā€™s cool.

I agree. Everything that happens since reaching TIMā€™s office is such a narrative mess (that I could endlessly pick apart) that no mod can salvage it, because you would need to scrap the final mission entirely and put something more coherent in its place.

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For sure, and what makes this stand out is that ME does not really have much of that other than the occasional ā€œgrr shepherd that was my best bud you put in jailā€ encounter.

Personally, Iā€™m just happy about the death of morality systems in Bioware games and RPGs in general.

Paragon is short for ā€œsane and sensible route that is not just heroic but just plain logical,ā€ while Renegade is short for ā€œjerk who is prejudiced to the point of irrationality who does stupid things out of spite.ā€ There are very few Renegade decisions which lead to a positive outcome, or are based on any sort of sane reasoning. The Renegade route in every game is just the ā€œyou can kill people if you want to feel edgyā€ route.

Iā€™m glad that thereā€™s no real modern RPG with an alignment system like that, except for Owlcat games. Iā€™m not sure how Rogue Trader does that, but Pathfinder certainly struggled to depict good, evil, law and chaos in a balanced and nuanced way.

Three disciplines - Dogmatic, which is dedication to the Imperium/Emperor and all the zealotry that can come with it. Heretic, which is the same except Chaos, and Iconoclast which is just generally being nice and not crazy, sometimes to the point of naivete for the 40k setting. While it doesnā€™t really harm you too much in the core game, there are some Iconoclast choices in the first DLC which do have negative effects, where a more stringent dogmatic/heretic option would have been ā€˜betterā€™ overall.

Not really spoilers but if you play a Rogue Trader who straddles the line between the three ā€˜moralitiesā€™ then you do get a special ending slide which amounts to ā€œThis gal would do basically anything for a profit. Lets go moneybags!ā€

You will never make me hate Renegade interrupts. Oh that flashing red right click, yes I will kick a dude out the window and then quip about it.


the one thing garrosh wanted to do that i now wholeheartedly support.

i dont look around there often and I stopped after I saw a male gnome emoting giving a draenei woman a ring. ill let the audience imagine what for in their emotes

Speaking of evil choices in Bioware games, I remember in the Darkspawn Chronicles, Alistair was the only remaing Warden ( your char perished during the joining) and my man literally made all the evil choices:

  • He had the werewolves, so he betrayed the Dalish
  • He had the Golems, so he left Branka and the Anvil alive and killed Caridin
  • He had the Templars, so he carried out the Right of Annulment at the Circle Tower
  • He left Arl Howe alive.

Like, the fudge Alistair?

Is it still that bad?


aww, he was getting married :smiling_face_with_three_hearts:

ā€˜I will play a Paragonā€™ shepards get real quiet when Youā€™re Working Too Hard walks in


he was a catholic raised templar ofc he was going to make the worst choices possible

hey i wish them a life of happiness, short as it will be

bioware especially because my biggest peeve, and anyone who says this was a veilguard issue only is a liar, is that the written choice never corresponds to what you actually say.

playing through swtor i detested what corresponded to light/paragon vs dark/renegade choices because the sensible choices were always considered the evil one


ā€œIā€™ve nothing more to say to you.ā€

Renegade prompt.

[Defenestration noises].

ā€œā€¦How about goodbye?ā€


Watching Lobos help Lobro first elden ring playthrough. Heā€™s on Morgott, Lobos summoned Melina when Lobro wasnā€™t looking, the telling off Lobro gave him.

Lobos has said heā€™s trying to undo years of elitism of ā€œits not legit if you summonā€. Heā€™s been doing the same with his wifeā€™s first ER playthrough of getting her the spirit summons to help her.

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The way I see it, The Darkspawn Chronicles isnā€™t canon, so Alistair wouldnā€™t have necessarily really done all that.

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I was hoping youā€™d be on to protect me from this