Pet peeves: The return (Part 10)

oh thank god


gnome mains dont die. they simply wait

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gnome mains never die (mercy voice)

this is how im gonna read your posts from now on

One of the most telling of these for comparisons is stadiums.
Sydney, Australia.
Phoenix, Arizona.

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in england if youā€™re going somewhere you usually have to park outside someoneā€™s house because a location will only have like 10 parking spots outside for a 200 plus person venue

still much more preferable to the american solution


turn on the news this morning to find irelands effectively got no government because they cant stop fighting and power grabbing from each other during their first sitting back after new years and christmas. things are gonna go well i think

iirc effectively not having a government went pretty well for Belgium for a few months some years ago

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Thereā€™s a difference between not having a government (no new laws being passed, civil servants continuing to do their jobs and money keeps flowing as per previous instructions until the politicians sort themselves out) and not having a government (the state apparatus has entirely collapsed and the nation is effectively over until someone pulls a new one together).

Thankfully most of the time itā€™s the former, not the latter.


The US seems to have a weird system where they can essentially shut down the entire federal government if they donā€™t agree on something and nobody gets paid and nothing gets done during that time.

Truly wild stuff.


As a Revolutions Podcast fan, it does seem like a great system if you fancy creating a bunch of the conditions for a violent uprising.

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The problem with a violent uprising in the US is that it isnā€™t going to come from the side you want.


the thing about violent uprisings is that once they get started what actually happens tends to be very unpredictable - especially if their spark is things like ā€˜the army wants to get paid so they can have foodā€™


can i participate in a violent uprising if iā€™m trying for a pacifist playthrough


Someone needs to man the grill after all

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to grill some vegetables, right?

Grilled lettuce is a menace.


i meant food akamito what were you thinking of


Well I feel guilty. Made a girl cry on her birthday.

Unfortunately she has the terrible misfortune of being in y2 which is a class where I just canā€™t let things slide because of the nature of the children in it.

So sorry child but you ignored the carpet instruction and decided to backchat so got sent out into y1.

Still feel bad about it but thatā€™s how discipline, which that class needs (alongside a return to structure and basic sense) works.