Nah, Sylvanas and Alleria have always been written as immensely talented with their rangering. Yeah they nepo-babied their position, but they’re also actually qualified for it.
One poorly choreographed cutscene doesn’t wipe away the decades of writing elsewhere in that regard.
I don’t like this as a retcon, even less than the already-established character butchery in BFA and SL.
She was good enough to seriously vex Arthas, who was not only a semi-competent military commander himself but also commanding the hordes of the ravening undead.
“Oh, she was a bit useless, actually” is just… nah. They couldn’t write her well. Again with the This Is A Bit Of A Recurring Theme, And Why?
By the time she was made Ranger-General she did have plenty of accomplishments under her belt and a reputation for it. If she hadn’t got the job, Lor’themar would have, and on the subject he said…
Lor’themar Theron says: Sylvanas Windrunner was our kingdom’s protector. Had she and her rangers not met Arthas with such fierce resistance, our people might no longer exist.
A soft admittance, perhaps, that he wouldn’t have been able to do what she did. At the very least he credits her contributions against Arthas as preventing the total extermination of the Thalassians.
Sometimes, rarely, nepo babies do deserve their position. Like anyone from the Skarsgard family of actors.
It’s a fair angle to consider, but I think this is one of those “Someone went for Rule of Cool (again) and didn’t consider Actually, That’s Bloody Stupid™ when making this cinematic” situations.
Which is, admittedly, rare. The WoW cinematics team is usually doing their best Atlas impression, viz a viz carrying the entire rest of the team on their shoulders most of the time. They sometimes get to tag-team with the music devs, too.
The resistance put up by Silvermoon and the High Elves, Sylvanas especially actually enranged and frustrated Arthas incredibly. People focusing on the rule of cool animation kinda forget that Blood of the Highborne and the Arthas novel paint the Scourge invasion of Silvermoon as a brutal struggle that only really succeeded through the traitor Drathir.
Anasterian threw some god damn hands for a sickly old man.
I have a long-term investment in dabbing around my daughter 13 years from now.
I feel like every single thing that has been added to or changed the invasion of Quel’thalas after the 2002 release of Wacraft 3 has been kinda stupid and made it worse.
It’s why Reforged needed to be an actual remake - it’s exceptionally weird to play warcraft 3, go into WoW thinking you know the story and then being like ‘wait who the hell is this dar’khan dude’ and then you find out that it’s from some random book where a dragon dates a well who turns into a girl sometimes and decide that actually you don’t need to know about it thanks