Had plenty of time after work.
Went to shops. Planned to hobby afterwards.
Realise after I get home and start hobby that I forgot to go to B&Q to get Gorilla Glue, because apparently Locktite just STOPS WORKING ON METAL after x ammount of time!
-festers and seethes- Can’t have
in Not!Detroit…
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Against all better judgement I’ve given dave another go.
It’s not looking good.
Finally the last delve had the last story I needed.
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Finally muster the motivation to timewalk before reset.
End up in a group that doesn’t communicate. Healer.
One guy tries to get to boss #2 by jumping down the elevator shaft. Dies.
Tank charges regardless before I can fix the dead guy, we fight boss #2 one man short.
Barely even a challenge. We move on to the next. Just before boss #3 I’m hit with a loadscreen. I was kicked.
30 minute dungeon deserter. I try to ask the one guy whose name I could click (elevator diver) a simple “why”. The response is some brief spanish the filter says is profane.
Very cool. I love WoW.
at all times, remember the important things
Be honest. You built the elevator all along.
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With the way this group was behaving you could’ve tossed a piece of blue cheese down the pit and seen them follow.
Timewalking really brings the Mythic+ crowd to heroic tier content I notice. I hate it.
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Imagine not knowing the… checks notes optimal path for Mana crypt. It saves .4 seconds.
The optimal way is to kill everything because why am I playing a game about fighting if not to fight stuff…
Easy. There are no people who hate playing wow as much as high level players.
“Skip. Skip. Skip boss. Skip”
Sibling in deity, I’m about to skip your warranty on life, why do my work hours have to be so wonky I can’t play consistently with Just Guildies…
(I know TW levelling is ‘quicker’ when optimised, and I have so many 80s now, but still…)
When this happens, I’m normally queued as healer, so I just sit by the boss and wait. They can either do the boss, or they can find a new healer.
It’s a 50/50 on whether it works or whether I get kicked but it makes me feel good regardless of the outcome. I do not have to play the same game that they play (which ironically is not playing the game at all)
Okay, finished the Witness of the Kirin Tor quests and oh boy the Purge of Dalaran is going to hang heavy over any story involving any of the characters involved while the writing completely refuses to acknowledge it, huh
“we must acknowledge our past mistakes to move forward” - sure thing jaina. jaina ‘purger of dalaran’ proudmoore. anything you want to acknowledge? perhaps to aethas sunreaver who is standing right next to you? any cheeky lil ethnic cleansings? no? ok
Also the ‘no more council, no more meddling in world affairs’ thing is just not good. the council of six has never mattered in any significant way apart from the one time jaina was outvoted on her ‘ban the horde forever’ plan and are you going to look me directly in the mouth and tell me the Kirin Tor aren’t going to feature in world events
Idk, having played a fair, amount of M+, though at a fairly casual level recently - it’s worse than that, it brings the mindset of people who can’t cut it in M+ but think that’s someone elses fault.
In a way, no more meddling in world affairs feels like a total victory for Xal.
My char is rather happy the Kirin Tor don’t stop her stealing artifacts though.
The main lesson to be learned is to have oversight and maybe don’t bring your entire civilian populace along with all the nukes and the prisoners on your flying battle barge what did you think would happen come on now you’ve done this campaign twice now
The Great Vault UI says I only completed three heroic/mythic/timewalking dungeons when I actually completed six, all at level 80. Because of this, the four-dungeon slot is not unlocked. Why.
There was also a problem that I didn’t automatically receive the five-dungeon quest during my first two timewalking dungeons, and another player had to share it with me.
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Endless Legend 2 Trailer just spawned in out of nowhere. Wasn’t even aware Amplitude were making it.
Thought you’d like to know he’s now doing much better - he’s ‘awake but still just a little out of it’ according to his wife