Pet peeves: The return (Part 11)

Came to say the same thing \o/

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The Vault and Delves/open world stuff is useless.

If you do ANY open world stuff, it will lock out a load of ‘level 1’ slots, i.e. trash tier. Even though I was then doing Delves at Tier 8/high enough to be getting much better loot. But would STILL have slots saying “Do a tier 2 or higher delve to upgrade this!”

I dunno what wonky, smooth-brain American maths has EIGHT not being higher than TWO, but ok I guess?!

Not today Universe, not today. :pray:

Hey, worked for the Sylvanas loyalists.

The new Lunar New Year event in Guild wars added a pants as the annual achivement reward for the event. It has an animated dragon/snake tail.

im sorry worgen but my human has a tail before you got one


Got no where really to talk or brag about it so might as well here. Finally finished all of the strikes in Guild wars 2. (Strikes being comparable to XIV’s trials.) A group gave me the benefit of the doubt for the one i’ve never been brave enough to do. Bit of a confidence W for me as i’ve felt ive not been good enough for harder content in games with a long while.

I’m not sure what’s inspired them to this crime, presumably they were in a rush and their judgment was taken over by Set - but a guy just came on the train eating toast.

This is fine, I’ve taken various morning foods with me, however the marmite I must watch this person eat and can smell has made us mortal enemies.

Back to work…

Work is da :poop:
No more! :rage:

(This rain and wind better clear up, on the day I have to go work/train outside, or I will be Beyond Peeved…)


Working from home today :3
just 2 meetings in the afternoon and then RP :dracthyr_blob_dance_animated:

My right ear is feeling wonky… plz no ear infection

You can not skip major bosses. Bonus objects are fine but all of the bosses on the list under “dungeon” need to die for it to count.

It should be somewhere in the adventure journal too

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Astartes II trailer sighted in the wild;

They are Cooking~
Predator tanks, my beloved… :face_holding_back_tears:

Owlcat released answers to a December AMA.

To me, sounds like they are doing another 40k game, and are working on more RT DLC after Lex Imperialis. No pathfinder game currently in the works. I’ll never get my Curse of the Crimson Throne :pensive:

A lot of not-much answers otherwise. Does sound like Starfinder’s not gonna happen though, which I’m fine with. If you wanted an RPG in space…Rogue Trader is there for you…

This comment on Lex Imperialis is uh…curious

Is there a final release date yet for Lex Imperialis? Any information you can give us on content as a sneak peek/preview?

Not yet, but currently scheduled for late Spring release, with more information coming closer to the date.

…Do you like dogs?

Also a little bit of WotR trivia is neat.

Is it true that Ember was originally envisioned as an actual child but had to be changed to a young adult with childlike characteristics at the last minute, due to censorship laws?

That’s not true. Ember was always supposed to be a young woman with childlike mentality. Here’s a true fact about her, though: originally her name was Cinder, but we already had Camellia (name as written starts with “C”) and Seelah (name as pronounced starts with “S”), so we didn’t want the players to get confused with more similar sounding names.

I like Ember better than Cinder. Sounds warmer.

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one name reminds me of a khajiit the other reminds me of elijah wood spyro the dragon’s love interest. ember was the good choice

Ember reminds me of “Meet Hanako at Embers”


Kept her waiting for a cool few months before I finally made it back there.

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cyber mastiff cyber mastiff cyber mastiff cyber mastiff cyber mastiff cyber mastiff cyber mastiff

there used to be a miniboss encounter guy in early RT called Ember and apparently they read my bug report going ‘what have you done i can’t kill my daughter’ and changed the name

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I misplaced the link to a pretty Mesmer fanart I saw. >I I wanted to show it to a friend.

edit: found it!

Sorry Hanako, I had to save and then backstab the president of NUSA


When I did the All Foods mission against the Maelstrom at the start of the game, I zeroed both Brick and Royce because all my homies hate the Maelstrom.

You’re not meant to be able to kill him at All Foods really since the game doesn’t let you point+shoot at him with guns direct…but grenades still work.

The game doesn’t seem to be doing well with it now I’ve reached the Nancy mission later. Brick is there, but he’s a dead body who keep teleporting to sit on the sofa, silently emotes with no dialogue, and then collapses back onto the ground.

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Perks of speedrunning TW with a lvl 11 twink is that the only reason I need LFG is 4 people to fill up the queue (i queue as tank)

For the rest, just sit back and enjoy the free xp.

I sometimes go in with a mega scrubby mog and go “whoa this look cool i need shield?”

Then watch the party panic as I pull 10 packs. Then watch the party be confused as I kill them all after 3 whirlwinds.

It’s honestly definitely no fun at all to do and I hate it. There is no fun here Blizzard. So no need to change this system or remove it.

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