Pet peeves: The return (Part 3)

what are you not enticed by the alcoholic grifting news ‘reporter’???

small girl+big axe=winning combo

It’s nice being a miraluka. I don’t have to worry about hair or eyes.

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i prefer to jus to forget her character entirely. what was even the point of her

i honestly wasn’t really digging tae as a waifu either, but at least she has her uses and an interesting confidant story

Todd Howard: It just works.

Something that happens in a lot of persona games.

At least in 3 it wasn’t your character personally, even though your Homeroom teacher had the hots for you.

I have really been enjoying the new GW2 expansion, it has its issues here and there but it’s nice to have my desire to play the game finally reignited after I burnt myself out a little due to hardcore grinding for a legendary.

the true destruction of man that occurs in gundam

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sad downside: every single piece of headgear gives you the same weird sunglass-looking things and you have to pay to hide your helmet

happy upside: being a Miralukan sniper is the greatest idea i’ve had in all of video games

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Have had the option from ages ago when I had my old sub. Had a lot of cartel coins for that sort of thing.


I get a small amount from having an authenticator so I may bite the bullet

And subscribed to play the new expansion anyway.
Just had a weird crash after the 2nd boss of a dungeon, I’m not ready to stab someone in rage.

y’all ever see news on the internet and simply decide not to share it as an expression of care to your friends
anyway here’s a cute cat, it’s not mine

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These are dueling rats. They are mine.


Disgusting. I had almost forgotten about that.

They are both baby.

They’re both little turd burglars. Sometimes literally.

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Found the cat’s bad side with all the knots, he wasn’t happy with me trying to brush them out.
moon moon

The one thing that I most vividly remember about owning a chinchilla as a kid were the poop pellets.


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how can animals so small create so much poop

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… And sometimes eat it.

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