Pet peeves: The return (Part 3)

3 is a sacred number to Nurgle as well as 7, so showing deference gets you a better victory

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it is both 3 and 7

Dog is here.
Soon rat dog shall commence. Just need him to get over the fact my parents left.

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Somehow beat the Binding of Isaac challange mode; ā€œCurse of Darknessā€

Had no idea how much health I had

Those are his favourite, but Grandfather loves you even if you choose other numbers


He loves a high R number.

R stands for uR-fatherā€™s affection

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There is only one father and it is Father Bear!
Boris campaign is a lot easier than Katarin. He too would be a better start, if you didnā€™t have to unlock him.

Probably hitting the sweet spot at 3 and 4-5 just count differently becuse the stat boost isnā€™t calculated properly. 1-3 works and scales and the rest are bugged, like so much else.

Such terrible losses but those twigs died in service to the Weave.

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That is the lovelies Brood Horror the Hell Pit ever produced, yes-yes!

How can one take their hands off of those floofy ears?!

Did the High Brow challenge mode.

Iā€™m not fond of the Head trauma one. Do not like the miniture world item.

Just did this to the cat;

He was sleeping, heā€™s not amused.


itā€™s vengeance for the 6AM headbutts

just spent two days in a leadership conference at work

i am tired and canā€™t process anything more ever

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Try a four week course :unamused: :gun:

Courses can be fine as long as youā€™re not also expected to pick up your regular responsibilities while youā€™re on them.

the problem is that my workload is still building while iā€™m away from the office, so now iā€™m back at my desk iā€™m drowning in emails and problems

Also question, I am playing as Katarin but:

1: Does everyone get attacked from literally everywhere all the time?

2: How the flarp do I make sure the Orthodoxy doenst creep ahead of me all the time in trying to win Kislev over? ( They always manage to get to 50 supporters before me).

3: If someone snatches a Daemon Prince before you, how do you get the soul from them? Do you have to declare war on them and nuke them, or?