Pet peeves: The return (Part 3)

  1. yeah, the anti-player bias that the AI has is a little too trigger happy at the moment - that should get amended down to WH2 levels eventually

  2. if there’s a way for you to beat them to 50 I haven’t found it, but you can easily pick up the pace and beat them to the end after that. The patriarch building passively generates them as do some in the big capital cities and invoking the Motherland gives you supporters based on a criteria like fighting battles or taking settlements, so timing those well can pull you ahead. You can also drop the enemy support with 5000 gold or some faith

  3. they’re not unique, so you can grab the same soul even after someone gets there. You just need to make sure you get to it before the AI or you’ll get booted out the Realm early. If that does happen you can usually have a decent shot at going into another realm, especially if you kneecap the enemy faction leaders and especially in realms like Khorne or Nurgle

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Yes. Palm some provinces off on your allies to make a buffer.

Check your buildings to make sure you have a decent follower and faith in come.
Then use money or other currency to reduce Rasputin’s if he gets ahead.

Go get it later from the realm. You don’t take theirs.

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Alright, that’s good to know, thank you both Stonetower and Distantpeak!

I am slowly starting to get the hang of Kislev and Katarin now, and while I am usually not a fan of spellcasting and prefer straight-up battles, she is starting to grow on me. As for Rasputin, yeah, before the first 50 I do not know how to stop him but usually I can stay ahead by dropping his supporters.

Now I just need to build up an economy more so I can field more armies, if only to close all the chaos rifts that prop up.

So far though, Im liking TW:WH 3, even if its not optimal yet, and I look forward to trying out the other factions.

oh you will fall immediately in love with Khorne, my friend

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IIRC the ‘build buildings’ invocation supporter thing is really good to get a lot of supporters early on, since you will build many cheap buildings at the beginning.


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This sodding sickness has officially gone into its second week now. Wish uber-eats delivered dog food so I wouldn’t need to go out. :face_vomiting:

I figured I will yes, I’ve already been on the receiving end of Skarbrand when I fought him in Khorne’s realm!

I should have probably taken that one yes, but I went for the battle one since I was also fighting alot already.

The price of liter of fuel is 2 euros now… God. I guess I’mma walk now for my purchases at the supermarket with Spring season now coming in hot.

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Can you not Amazon it?

That’s how i’m buying cat food ATM.

Its way too expensive for the grain-free food my Archie needs if ordered on Amazon, unfortunately. Like 15-20 quid usually compared to 8.99 in home bargains.

Ah, that’s fair.


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Saaadge indeed. Why does the cute little blighter have to be awkward?

I used to home cook for the cat.

He’s gone off of it so back to catfood it is.

I feel like it goes on the shelf until the AI is patched and performance stabilised but I do enjoy the actual game.

i hate aerilen so much

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why is aerilen catching strays now

It definetly needs some patching yeah. I had a fight where sometimes the AI just stands still even as I am shooting them with arrows, or where I could bait their heroes out ahead away from the army.

There’s a stability patch tomorrow or next Thursday.
And balance next month.

Yeah well the campaign map AI needs the biggest overhaul so that they don’t crush you or go on a self destructive beeline into impenetrable defenses because screw Player in particular.

Imagine a big world map where every faction just comes at you in waves, falling over one another to get to you even though they’re at war with each other!

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