Pet peeves: The return (Part 3)

The whole premise of ‘cancel culture’ is total nonsense anyway, it barely deserves the effort it to took me to write this single sentence.


I think we should be cancelling Akamito for his crimes against humanity

you know what you did

You think you can cancel me, but tomorrow I will drop my apology video on YouTube where I refuse to specify what I am “sorry” for and be back to my usual antics on Friday with no damage done.


No, no, no.

What you do is;

I’d be sorry IF

I would be sorry BUT

you know, make a non-apology apology video.

For what Telaryn wants me to be cancelled for I have to make it sound sincere, even though I did nothing wrong and am just lying to the audience so they feel good about continuing to read and like my forum posts.

Yeah, but if you release a non-apology video; you’ll have the dumber audience members going; “But Akamito did apologise, why you still trying to cancel him?!”

And not to do with Akamito, the reason why I’m interested in what queen terf is doing is because with her ranting and raving (and other terfs like her), I’m going to have a more difficult time getting the hormones or the surgeries to eventually turn me into the Non-Binary Demon Bowie-sensei that i was meant to be.

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Remember to keep at least one cute animal on hand to show off. Oh and make sure to put all the expensive stuff you own in the background. Maybe rent a really expensive car to feature in it too.

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I love diplomacy.


Dafaq I knew elves were diplomats but damn…

Most people who have cried about how they were targeted by ‘cancel culture’ fully deserved to be cancelled anyway.

How’s the performance in tw3 nowadays? Took 2 quite a while to get better and I think 3 also had some problems, no?

Twitter just reminded me that it was the 20th anniversary of Warcraft 3 last month (July 3rd) and from what I can tell there was absolutely zero fanfare or celebration from Blizzard about it. Apparently not even a single tweet.

Bit sad that innit


Mine seems to be fine, but during MP our diplomacy seems to get laggy. I’m not sure it’s because we added a couple of mods part way in.
Single player, it’s fine.

Influence is power.

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It’s good - had a few crashes when things got busy or I put the graphics up and then did big combat but the turn timers are fast and it does mostly run smoothly

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What are your settings on? I’ve been crash free. And that’s including a battle of 3 dwarf armies vs 4 tomb King armies.

Medium - I put it up to ultra once and it crashed to desktop mid-battle, poor thing

(my PC specs are good but not top-end)

My PC is far from great, but my texture and model detail is on ultra.
Most others are medium. Bar shadows. Shadows can stay low.

[Be’lakor disapproves]

I’ll wait for one of the inevitable patches which start to smooth things out

I just wish I could go buy a new pc soon and play TW:WH3 and RDR2 on full power… soon…

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