Pet peeves: The return (Part 3)

two episodes of bojack horseman left and it still manages to consistently bum me out hardcore. but i can’t stop watching it, it’s so good. i’m going to be really sad when i finish it

you nok nok what you do

A while back I went to a small-time suit-guy when I needed to rent a tux for an event. His shop said opened at 9, so I turned up at 9:10. Waited around for a bit 'cos it was shut. He finally turned up at 9:30 and was aggrieved that I’d arrived ‘so early’.


tomorrow we are having a centenary celebration at work because it’s a big deal. local big wigs and supporters of the organisation are invited including our local MP, who is hardcore right wing tory and Boris Johnson stan.

unfortunately because i’m a manager i have to attend (good because they’re bringing in fancy food and drinks and stuff) and have to mingle with the great and the good and pretend that i don’t detest each and every one of them.


I mean, you don’t need to pretend!

Just smile and say, “I hate everything that you stand for! You and your party have irreversibly made this country terrible! More wine?”

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perfect. yes

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I once very loudly called senior management a d-head in the office

luckily for my continued employment they were not present

Just say you don’t agree with their politics if you have to, without ever expanding on the matter.

I’m hoping I just don’t have to talk to him and instead have to talk with the really illustrious mayor of our town of like 500 people who is super important and don’t they know it!

Hognose snake faces are the most adorable.

I want to take him home with me but I already have quite the menagerie. :<


a beak primed for booping


i like this because it is not a scorpion.


Tangential, in the Legend of the Five Rings RPG setting there’s a Scorpion Clan, who are universally the baddies. They always wear masks, don’t care about honour like the other clans, and have ninja. They’re named after the fable of the scorpion and the frog.

The traditional fable has a scorpion asking a frog to cross a river - the frog warns the scorpion that if he stings the frog, they’ll both drown, and the scorpion promises not to, but halfway across the river the inevitable happens - the frog asks why, and the scorpion says, “It’s in my nature.”

The Scorpion Clan variant of the fable has everything happen as normal up until the sting, where the frog asks why and the scorpion leans in close and whispers, “Because, little frog, I can swim.”

I knew about the Scorpion and the Frog fable, but that is an extremely dark twist that they have added there that does not ingratiate me to scorpions at all.

“I can swim” is the Scorpion Clan motto for that exact reason

My clan will be based on frogs then. In our telling of the story, after the Scorpion drops his revelation, the frog then leans in close to the scorpion and with it’s last dying breath says: “Yeah, and I’m poisonous.”

edit: switched venomous for poisonous because i forgot which one was which. in our final draft the clan will iron all these details out


It chapter 2’s clownspider must be just the worst for people with two unfortunate phobias at once.


The lady I fetched my package from set up a parcel shop in her home. She’s got opening times on her front door.
Those are different from what’s online too.
But she was very nice and we had a little chat too. I got a new phone now. Just need to set it up

Boop the snoot

I have just received my official certificate for passing a German language exam at level A1. 95/100. Feelsgoodman.


Well done!!!

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