Pet peeves: The return (Part 3)

I always insist I don’t live that rurally when talking to friends. But I also walked past two farms on my way to get my phone… the only other things of note where a graveyard, a lidl and an aldi…


Danke sehr^^

I do not think she is a repressed transmasc person.

How she talks about transmasc people is more akin to thinking they want to escape being opressed by the patriarchy mainly because of her troubled youth and how it seems (to her) like they suffered the way she did.

There are some absolute dire anti-trans books out there that call being trans a “social contagion” so, you can be “infected” to be trans and sadly Rowling parrots some of these phrases.

She’s just more polite about it.

Like, she talks about if she was born 30 years later, somebody would’ve convinced her to become trans.

Also, the new Fantastic Beasts film has a “good gay” and a “bad gay” and the “bad gay” is the one campaigning for radical change (don’t get me wrong, that’s not the only thing he’s done that makes him bad) whereas the “good gay” is promoting keeping the things the way they are and it sort of stinks of Rowling being rebuffed by the other LGBTQ+ who are trans allies and are fed up with her TERFism.


Do they think it’s like Spider-Man or something? A radioactive transwoman bites you in a lab and the next day you wake up with high heels on or what?


Sadly, its more like covid to them.

You hang around with a trans person and them breathing on you can infect you.

EDIT: Which is hella funny because I do not know any other trans people aside me IRL so how was I “infected”?

Well clearly you weren’t wearing a mask and didn’t vaccinate by watching the entire library of Steven Crowder and 10 hour compilation of “Ben Shapiro destroys libtards with facts and logic”.

A petersonian argument too, calling it akin to mass hysteria. But he blames the holocaust on germophobia so don’t treat him as a serious person.

Please just shoot me instead.

ContraPoints quoting intensifies

If she’s used that, I don’t recall. I just laugh at that one tweet.


Nah, she did a whole video on Peterson and during it she gets in a bath with a dummy with a cardboard cutout of his face on it and calls him “daddy” sarcastically.

So now whenever I’m reminded about Jordan Peterson-- that’s all I think of.

Am a bit tired of the bug where NPC text won’t appear. Makes some of the quests rather awkward when I’m anticipating an exposition dump and instead get nada.


It’s how he deserves to be remembered; a cardboard dummy subject to snarky mockery.

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Peeve: DRM.

I can at least understand adding DRM to games, because it takes time to crack and those who want to play the game right away will buy it.

But DRM on ebooks, music and video is trivial to bypass, and DRM-free versions appear on torrents the same day, so it’s worse than useless. What’s the point?


Token show of resistance against the inevitable, so if anyone ever askes why they aren’t protecting their copy right, they can point to it and claim they did all they could?


You can finally do all the phone contract stuff online here which is great.
But trying to find where I have to activate my new SIM card is a horrible experience…

Today’s pet peeve (yeah that’s right I’m using the thread for its intended purpose) is the suffix of -ess on the end of character classes, races, and otherwise in RP.

Yes, I understand that there are sorcerers and sorceresses, but it doesn’t need be added to everything. Orcess, trolless, warrioress – things like these. Orc isn’t a gendered term; there aren’t orcs and orcesses, why add it?

:rage: :face_with_symbols_over_mouth:


I’m waiting for the day I see a trp with “Humaness” in it.


One of my favourite bits of LARP lore was when Empire introduced that their titular empire is ruled by an Empress - a neutral title which sometimes a male Empress will change to Emperor to represent their gender

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