Pet peeves: The return (Part 3)

They only really work on classes, like sorcerer/sorceress, hunter/huntress, priest/priestess, but that’s about it.

anyone else using them - especially for races - are stinky

death knightess




that is a prerequisite to being a death knightess, yes


Modern Russian fantasy has a specific word for female elf, and its use pisses me off.

You don’t say elfess any more than you say humaness.

A related peeve is there’s a vocal minority of Russian feminists who are trying to push made-up feminine versions of words that didn’t originally have them, directly contrary to the worldwide trend.

(Side peeve: Android, stop “correcting” its to it’s)


warrior:warress (warass)

Although Finnish is otherwise completely grammatically neutral, we do have a few archaic terms with -tar (English -ess) for certain professions, like actress, queen, and a few others. We also have one for female elf for some reason.

But Queen in Finnish is literally just King in feminine, Kingess

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God this is so fricking annoying.

Sorry i grammar better than you phone!

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The swedish democrats(the ww2 bad guy party) had one of their official members of the government today send out an invitation for coffee to several other politicians. With the statement that it was meant to be a “Celebration of the anniversary of the German reichs invasion of Poland”.

The party has now issued an apology but also said they won’t be kicking out the person as it was “just meant to be a joke that got sent to the wrong people”.

Peeve is that this is not even the first time they are being so blatant about it and people still defend them. They did other bad stuff earlier in the week too, such as a proposal to deny people seeking aslyum on the basis of persecution due to their sexuality of religious conversion, with the reasoning being stated as: “Its a deliberate choice to come out or convert, so its a deliberate endangerment we should not have to pay for.”

It’s really scary, upsetting and so tiresome that these people still have alot of sway and blind faith from so many people.

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Bruh moment

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This fits with plenty of more gendered European languages that have a generic masculinum (like German)
It also causes a total headache when you want to somehow be inclusive but have to somehow translate things into international stuff.
English: Delete Gender
German: Add all of Gender, or do funky stuff with grammar


The whole “Just a joke” excuse is always bad too, but it’s so much worse when it comes from the official spokesperson of a political party.


imagine having gendered pronouns in the year of our lord 2022

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Could I offer you some gendered nouns as well?

The solution is to deprecate all languages but English.

But this is practically infeasible.

I dont believe in grammatical gender

I like English
But major No

Good because it’s actually a noun class system that got messed up

But at least I recently saw the first gender neutral pronoun suggestion for German that I actually somewhat like? Something that doesn’t sound horrible

Reject language.
Return to unga bunga.

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Dorkesses, all of 'em.

Death Dame, thank you very much.


“I’m sorry I got caught, lol”.

The brazen attitude of these people. They won’t even keep their so-called jokes internal.