Pet peeves: The return (Part 3)

This makes me sad.

Was shopping in Asda and saw a load of pokĆ©mon merch so like a child with my parentā€™s credit card (except its my own credit card) I bought one of everything.

I got a shiny Entei though from the 2 booster packs!

And a reverse is it? Zygarde


Btw, for my little phone adventure:
The reason why I didnā€™t hear about the package arriving LAST FRIDAY was because the wise people who send it didnā€™t put my contact info (aka my phone number) onto the sticker.
You would think they would be able to do so. Considering theyā€™re literally the people handeling my phone contract. (And I did put it as a contact option)

Speaking of pokemon

I like it


Iā€™d like to get back into collecting MGT and PokĆ©mon cardsā€“

But its such an expensive hobby

Currently got back into Tropico 5 and unleashing my inner El Presidente.

Sad to say though, the Tropican people does not love me much, so I have to constantly declare martial law just when itā€™s election time to stay in power.

Smeargle, but affected by Marketable Plushie Syndrome

Also reminded more and more that I want a Mawile plush but theyā€™re expensive AF because Mawileā€™s not popular :frowning:

I just sold an old collection of PokĆ©mon cards. Letā€™s just say that the tax via eBay was enough to make me cry. Itā€™s insane how much people pay for older cards. Soā€¦ Iā€™m selling all of mine except a few and the original Rocket ones I have. ā€¦ Iā€™m also gonna collect all the Rocket ones. 'Cause I love Rocket. And they ainā€™t too expensive from what Iā€™ve seen.

Iā€™m sitting on a goldmine but itā€™s hard work putting it all on eBay.

Never seen one of those! Sounds cool though. Maybe youā€™ll get one one day!

I also just pre-ordered the new games as the steelbook bundle from Game. Ā£50 per game hurts.

I have a ton of duplicates of the OG sets that i could probably sell off.

Even if I was to start playing the card game again youā€™re only allowed so many duplicates in a deck anyway.

I have the OG Mewtwo, Rocketā€™s Mewtwo and the burger king special Mewtwo.

Hoping i did actually find all my older mewtwo figurines and did pack them and I just havenā€™t found them yet.

EDIT: And yeah, Mawile of approx the size of my other plushes on the shelf above me is about 20 quid off of amazon.

I know I just spent like; 30 quid on pokemon stuff today alone, but still.

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Itā€™s really worth selling cards at the moment. People are going nuts for them.

And what did you buy I wonder :eyes:

Thereā€™s so much I want but I refuse to buy anything 'cause Iā€™m selling my collection. TLDR: I have too much stuff and one day will move in with my partner if goes to plan, which it should, which means I needā€¦ less stuffā€¦ >_>

Crappy phone camera, but that is my current pokƩmon shelf.

The new additions are bulbasaur, pikachu, squirtle, charmander but thereā€™s also a small abra and totodile that you canā€™t really see.

EDIT: i bought all those plushes at the same time and I donā€™t think they were much more than 20 quid for all of them which is why mawile being 20 quid on his own stings.


:eye: Totodile best starter. Good shelf!!


Big fan of that Perfectly Ordinary Pikachu in the middle there


Mimikyu is best baby and we stan.


Totodile is my go-to in silver, gold and crystal.

But i am always a charmander starter at heart.

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My partner chose Charmander in Red when I gave them the game. Was funny watching them fight Brock.



Brock and Mistyā€¦ absolute pain.

I donā€™t even remember how i dealt with Brock, I at least had a pikachu by the time I had to deal with Misty.

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Gamma has fallen out of a window, I have no idea where she is and we couldnā€™t find her when we searched.
I am beyond broke right now, I just want my cat back and I hope the FB post I made will be of help.

I canā€™t even do the proper trick of putting some of hers out bc it wonā€™t be left alone here.

Oh crap, Iā€™m so sorry.

Try putting her littler tray out for a bit?

I hope sheā€™s found soon. Best wishes. Iā€™m sure she will be back!