Pet peeves: The return (Part 3)

We’ve put her frenchdoor pillow on the back of my mums bike, the litter box wouldn’t be allowed to stay as some petty wankers would claim we’re trying to pollute the place.

Yes hello, I want your Mimikyu plush!

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Jaws of Hakkon done. One more DLC to go and then I am free.

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I hope she finds her way back to you soon. :frowning:

Oh no, I hope she finds her way back soon. : (

How would you rate Hakkon and the descent now that youve played them?

I’m sorry to hear that. Take a look if there are any groups on social media that relate to your neighborhood/town specifically. Put as many eyes on it as you can.
Also regular paper posters work too.


Descent good. Hakkon okay.

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i’m willing to accept it as long as it doesn’t have sketch

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Gamma is once more home, we found her in a neighbors garden after they replied saying their dog had chased her out earlier.


Poor baby, so happy for you that she is home!


Sending lots of love to Gamma


Oh thank god.

Happy she’s home.

Send her lots of love.


Happy to hear she’s back home again!


Rivers of Salt has completely finished Caelid and is now ready to start Altus.

He’s also starting Altus with 50 VIG so I can now focus on everything else (Dex, Arcane and I want to get Faith up a bit)

EDIT: Hate to say it, am in love with Rivers of Blood.

I like katanas in souls games! They have a nice single and double moveset.


Changed the cat litter and there seems to be a lot of it that is powder because I’ve inhaled at least 2 gulpfuls of it.

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Is this some new kind of drugs hype from the youth that I am too old for to understand?

Snorting cat litter?


Can’t say I’ve ever used katanas in soul games. Its always caestus if I’m able to.

I like to punch the big baddies.

came in to work this morning to see one of my co-workers did everything yesterday i was assigned to do today. which annoys me because now i have next to nothing to do for the next 4 hours but twiddle my thumbs

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Just nap then.