Pet peeves: The return (Part 3)

The actual insult, at least, was different, but I admit it feels weird to have pointy ears acknowledged in-story; since Tolkien never mentioned that detail, I prefer to regard them as a visual shorthand to let the audience know such-and-such character is definitely an elf. Having the characters acknowledge them is like if a theater stagehand stopped dragging decorations around, suddenly pulled out a knife, and killed a character.

(It’s useless to debate that point now. The fandom has spoken, and has decided that Tolkien elves have pointy ears. But should we indulge it?)

The LOTR screenplay was written by (mainly) two directors from New Zealand adapting an Englishman’s work.

Rings of Power’s episodes are written by half a dozen american screenwriters adapting the wishes of studio producers.

And it shows.

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Okay, so I rag on Anne Rice for her before-2012 opinion on fanfic where she calls it “plagerism” and “cannibalising the source material” (she HAS changed that opinion as stated since 2012).

At least she’s far more accepting of trans people where she has been quoted; “sometimes I forgot I have a gender”

(also all her vampires are pansexual and don’t give a frick how people identify)

Shame I cannot read “Interview with the vampire” because god its such a chore to read.


what a mood, honestly


My friend keeps waxing lyrical about House of the Dragon, but I’m still wary about watching it after being burned by GoT. I’ll never forgive them for how they (mis)handled Jaime.

I’m so tempted to give it a watch, though…


The crescent moon is rising above town and is behind some clouds. Its blood red and looks pretty epic.


I wonder who Elune is pissed at this time.

(Seriously though, sounds cool!)


i prefer the film if only for how flamboyantly gay tom cruise’s vampire is and i love it

For me it’s less about forcing myself to watch it and more that s8 just killed all of my interest in anything GoT related. I’ll be forced to watch it by my partner when the whole season is out, but I’m not in the least bit excited about it.

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I prefer the film because it cut all the moping out (Lestat is correct, all Louis does is whine, he spends a hell of a lot longer whining in the book)


Logged out in the wrong spec and got confused

Also I really don’t wanna go to work tomorrow. Only there for a bit but still. Ugh.


I still mourn the mangled body that is the ending to GoT, but Daemon is objectively and undebatably the best Targaryen so I have to watch (and hope they don’t butcher my boy with terrible writing).

“Just be rich and then you don’t have to work”

:- Andrew Tate or some similar cretin, probably

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We all do… but times change.

did the rising event. its always short but i appreciate it every year all the same.

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I just want the old man to release the next book already…

“Oh god you all suck, #YesAllWhiteMasks

me 3 seconds later


2K Games forcefeeding Steam users their launcher, God yes! Another launcher as if we didn’t had enough of those in the gaming scene! They also have the audacity to claim that to be an quality of life. What is it with those publishers/game companies wanting to absolutely funnel you to their platform, it’s not like we exactly buy more there than directly on Steam because Steam is King (Yes I’m aware of the problem regarding monopolies and such) for it just has a better understanding of what I want, what I like and doesn’t bother me with extra intermediates.


how do i spoiler mark something? so i can join in on the rings of power chat