Pet peeves: The return (Part 3)

Look, they didn’t even have horses in DA:O. You can’t really expect them to manage gryphons too. Better to just have them extinct for a few hundred years instead.

Book Spoilers

The Grey Wardens killed them by using a blood magic version of the Joining on the gryphons to turn them into super fighters, which mutated itself into a disease that killed them all. Turning them into super-fighters was probably necessary to stop the blight, but it was still a monstrous betrayal.

Only one small clutch of eggs was saved, locked in stasis and hidden away by magic, and only recently discovered+hatched. They’re probably going to be too young to show up in DADWolf, but they might get side-mentions or show up in the game after, if there is one.

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At least Feliae has 40 VIG so I can focus on arcane for the bouquet.

NGL, they have bad base damage.

just say ‘sorry gryphon machine broke’ and then have them in inquisition


you think they’d be able to do flying in inquisition?? don’t think so buddy

Someone’s gotta hold the man’s hand if Mohg won’t do it!

With how hair looks in DA:I I’m glad they didn’t bother with including more animals. Just… figure that texture stuff out first. Then you can go have more animals.


Putting it in spoilers just in case.

DAI Spoilers

The big thing with Corypheus was the revelation that there was some truth to the Chantry myth. He was/is allegedly one of the original magisters and he did enter the fade. But unlike the myth he was not cast out by the maker. Instead in his own words “It was empty”. The black city was already black and empty and bad and he and the others fell back into the real world corrupted by it.

His actual plans was to become a god yeah. Having spent so much of his early life in service of Dumat and then in confusion over what happened, he has now gathered himself and decided that everyhing we knew about the world is a lie, there are no gods to help us we are all alone. So he wants to take that empty space and fix everything he thinks is wrong with creation.

So TL:DR, yeah he wants to become the new God.


Yeah, that be me.

Add to that that he’s also a lil confused from the whole getting super-blighted in the fade stint. Probably affects all of them in some way. The Architect lost all of his memories, Cory seems to struggle with some of his too in DA2 (but regains at least some in the time between DA2 and DA:I) and there’s this one codex entry about a dwarf seeing three of them argue in the Deeproads only for one to get killed and eaten by the other.

Good! :handshake:


So it’s time to announce my next FFXIV project!

It’s another Dalamud plugin, currently in development. It will basically be a TRP equivalent, displaying Chaos Archives character profiles in-game in a tooltip — and also allowing you to edit your own profile in-game, with some extra fields from TRP, such as “currently”.



trying to process all of my thoughts on dragon age inquisition. it was a very long ride and it’s good to finally see the back of it after dozens of failed starts since it came out

i think my main takeaway is that it’s an okay game overall in it’s base form, a bit of a mixed bag but pretty good at parts. what really elevated it to great was tresspasser, and ending on such a high like that feels really, really good.


Honorable mention for Cassandra reading Varric’s new book during the credits and doing all the other accents.

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11/15 on co-op levelling in StarCraft - nearly there…

I do very much enjoy that Alarak constantly sasses people when using abilities.

“Even my structures put up more of a fight than you.”

Yeah that was a nice touch.

I also found the title cards at the end for Cassandra really sweet and wholesome. Specifically about how people say they see her smiling much more these days than they ever have, and how her and the Inquisitor often meet up while on their travels.

Yeah the title cards were really nice this time. Lots of very feel good things plus pointers at who we’ll see again sometime in the future.

More lore stuff about Cory and the crew visiting the Fade

Just remembered that the ritual they used to get into the Fade didn’t only use unreasonable amounts of blood magic but also Lyrium. Common side effects from Lyrium exposure are paranoia, obsession, dementia and death. And while mages can recover from it I do imagine there’s an upper limit to it eventually since they’re also more vulnerable to it. Oh, and mages also can suffer physical mutations from it.
So yeah, no wonder the Magisters Sidereal got messed up. Probably would have done something to them even without it actually working.

despite barely interacting with cole at all and never using him as a party member even once. his ending title card was very wholesome and i felt happy for him


Add the lust bar

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The lust bar is the one thing I will definitely not be carrying over from TRP.

Also, the rules will clearly state that no erotic content is allowed in profiles and that adding it will get you banned. One advantage of having a centralized server, compared to decentralized TRP, is that we can actually do that.


Sort of wish we could hold hands when he’s not on his deathbed, NGL.

I know I often put him there, but still.

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