Pet peeves: The return (Part 3)

unfortunately my wife knows how much it costs so if i appear one day with that in the house i am in big trouble

my birthday is only a month away though so maybe then i could justify it

Bonus points if the place you use as your headquarters is the exact place the guy hits with a goat


I finally restarted Mechanicus after way, way too long.
I’ve gotten much better at playing smart, and, well, hoarding blackstone.

It’s a few missions in, Awakening at 20% and Ive managed to get 3 pretty beefed up Techpriests already. One boss down without too much drama. But I definitely need more options in terms of damage output for when armour gets high!

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If there’s one thing I firmly learned about any future Pathfinder game… Don’t buy stuff until all DLCs are released, the bugs somewhat smoothed over and you can get it all under a discount.

Tell her the little people inside your PC demanded it

But birthday snorlax does sound like a good idea


I will say that, so far, I’ve not noticed any bugs with it - aside from the aforementioned chivos not activating when they should.

It doesn’t explain itself as well as it could do perhaps but gameplay wise it seems fine.

Of course if triggers for certain events aren’t activating I wouldn’t know, because it’s entirely new content.

it’s d&d night but i’m struggling to focus because i can only think about solas

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thinkin about that egg


solas got me shook

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I really hope DA4 is not in development hell… I need closure after Trespasser. (I want to step foot in Tevinter and see it – and Dorian – for myself).

As for peeves… I like the stoneborn but having them as followers for callings is a bit trying because of their idle noises. Constantly hearing them grunt/grumble grates on the ears after a bit.


yes please

i actually feel like this is something that the DA structure might suffer from a little by having a new protagonist with each game. the next game feels like it needs to continue the story of the inquisitor rather than starting fresh with someone new.


Im not sure if it is anymore but it was. Initially it was going to be just another rpg sequel, then it was going to be a multiplayer heist game(the plot from the upcoming netflix show was basically the premise), and at one point it was going to be an Anthem live-service game.

Then anthem flopped, loads of people left the team and we didn’t have any news until like last year.


I agree with you! It feels a bit jarring to play as these characters and then they’re more-or-less dropped once the next game comes around. I miss my Warden; I’d like more information about what they’re getting up to beyond vague mumblings of ‘they’re out there somewhere’, lmao. Sure, it was nice seeing Hawke again but I’ll be honest and say that I much preferred Origins and Awakening to DA2. I understand that EA only gave Bioware about a year and a half to develop the latter game which is why it feels rather rushed, but sadly it impacted both my overall enjoyment of the game and attachment (or lack thereof) to Hawke.

That’s rather disheartening to hear… I didn’t realise there were multiple premises for the game. A heist would’ve been interesting but I’m not sure how that’d tie in with the whole mess surrounding Solas. That seems a bit more pressing than nicking a few baubles, truth be told.

Anthem and ME: Andromeda are why I’m bricking it regarding DA, tbh. If it does turn out to be a flop, I think I’m done with Bioware games for good.


I think if it’s a flop, Bioware will be done for good.


“oh dw hun it was on sale today”


how to end my marriage any% speedrun

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Petty peeve time: There are a lot of people saying they are happy with the dwarven women in Rings of Power having beards and I don’t know if I have some bootleg version of the show prior to them adding CG beards in post but there is not a single dwarven woman with a beard in the show. Here’s a collage, spoiler tagged just in case.


I assume people talk about the small tufts lining Disa’s cheekbones but I thought they were just tufts of hair protruding from the curls in her hairdo, which is made stranger in one of the set photos released prior to the show airing where she obviously has very clean cheeks. If that is supposed to be her beard, then I pity everyone happy with it because even the Hobbit got that part done infinitely better.

Which brings me back to this show having a very perceptible air of studio production trying to both be as progressive and recessive as possible for maximum profit, making it a very soulless endeavour so far.


Gotta say you make a pretty shoddy 30 something year old manchild if you let trivial things like that stop you smh my head :roll_eyes:

Me, a brainlet; “Wait, I got that techpriest to the end of that skill tree, what do you mean ‘upgrade cost for next level’?”

Upon realising you can progress across all the skill trees; “Oh… ooooh… Ohhhh.”

Praise the Omnisiah, and pass the Volkite ammunition :smiling_imp:

The rough idea was that you were going to play as Agents of Fen’Harel and would try to cause problems/Steal stuff in Tevinter.