Pet peeves: The return (Part 3)

you assume too much that i care about other people’s feelings

but that is a very good idea since my birthday isn’t very far away

I know you do.
For I am the angel, and I know the good in you.

devil getting ratio’d hard right now

the angel makes a good point however is it so righteous to drop hints of what you want? to receive it as a gift leaves the unspoken obligation of matching that gift. if you gift it yourself however your obligation is to none but yourself and if a gift is then given to you you at least have no moral obligation over indicating you wanted this gift specifically subverting the hopes of the gift giver in thinking they knew your hearts desires.

we’ll see who cancels who angel

Yeah the devil is currently destroying angel with facts and logic.
(Buy snorlax. Ruin your family life. Throw a car battery into the ocean)


can always count on my advocate

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I miss Ogres My Lord for this reason, dwarves with mournfang cavalry were great


You’d require equal mods.

I’d make a collection if you wished when the time comes.

Hammerers were kind of a joke as elite infantry and didn’t the high king himself buff these unfortunate sadsacks?

Yeah, but they still weren’t worth it in most cases.

Currently working out a good 3-person campaign - probably best to have friendly nations that aren’t necessarily neighbours, like empire-dwarf-cathay

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Neighbours doesn’t matter, as I said mods - just use the change starting settlement one and move closer together if needs be.

Wood elves, Empire, Brettonia and/or Dwarfs is a good one.

Would be nice if daywalkers kept things quiet for nightcrawlers to peacefully sleep.

I’m just putting the elector count of Sylvania to work uniting the empire under its true, eternal emperor whose incorruptible legions will hold back the ruin spilling from the north.

My grand order army of guns would put an end to that.


Did you decide on a Wrath class? I’m going DK since I already had a capped character from earlier.

So called free thinkers when there’s an overpowered edgy class…

i didn’t know you needed a game to simulate your real life mr mito

For me, the game has to look nice and visually appealing. That doesn’t mean it has to be realistic, it can be completely cartoonish (see: WoW, Civ 6, Ori). I think pixel games can also be really beautiful, and while part of that might also be due to past nostalgia, your mind sort of makes up the visuals in your head based off of the pixel art you see.

Many Doom 2 WADs (player-made map packs) look absolutely stunning and they’re using assets from before Y2K.

At the same time, in the early 2010s when the realistic game craze was high, all it produced was ugly washed out gray-and-brown colours that really, really didn’t work out. Diablo 4 seems to be headed in that way too.

Oh yeah, patch day. Borked mods time.

Shush, pay your blood tithe.

The old 100% defensive uptime death knight tanks rise again

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