Pet peeves: The return (Part 3)

Unfortunately your mind is merely the stage for all that happens in that universe and you have no control over it. Like invasive thoughts.

damn that explains all of the micro transactions in immortal

trying to make money for a snorlax

No thatā€™s just me and the rest of us who think you should buy him (weā€™re in your walls)

iā€™m printing all of these posts to use in my powerpoint presentation for my wife

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Now that the topic is on TW:WH3: Which settings can I reasonably lower ( shadows and such probably) to make the game run a bit better?

Also, which Immortal empire factions do you guys like best? I am currently tempted to just go check out Nakai now that he has been parked in Asi-ā€¦ pardon, Cathay, and see what happens.

Also which dwarf legendary lord is most fun to start with? I did a Thorgrim again but im not sure.

There was a warrant officer at my door looking for one of the previous tenants.

this happened to us once when we first moved into our new place. we had to present out passports to prove that we werenā€™t the previous tenant. really weird.

Nakaiā€™s campaign is stillā€¦weird and not working right.

I gave it a go and his quest battle (the battle of Itza) absolutely stinks. I physically could not reach my allies in time to save them and if they die you instantly lose the mission

Thorgrim is basic dwarf but a great start. Grombrindal is highly lore-appropriate and fun. Belegar is hard but rewarding once you start building Eight Peaks up (and itā€™s a lot easier to take Eight Peaks without having to rush Lightning Strike or similar cheese). I havenā€™t tried Grumpy Old Man campaign but that one should still be good

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I had the letting agency email me the tenancy agreement which I forwarded.

Hopefully that sorts it.

They were asking me if Iā€™d ever met the previous tenant and Iā€™m like; ā€œno? Flat was empty when I looked around before rentingā€

EDIT: Gonna get back to me in 10 working days.

FANTASTIC for my anxiety.

Ouch, that doesnā€™t sound good. And here I was looking forward to undertake a mighty trek to get him back home to Lustria for sjits and giggles.

Ungrim or death.

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It just needs a deployment phase where you can spread your army out, then itā€™d be fine - the trouble is that you instantly start and youā€™re on the far left of the map and your allies are in the center and right hand side and get pummelled

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Thank you, Iā€™ll see what I end up with!

Given heā€™s the Slayer King, should that not be ā€œUngrim -and- deathā€?

The king part suggests no. His oaths to his nation are too important.

My collection is shaping up for a time when I make others play with mod I use. Just waiting for more to be updated.

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Grombrindal is the Dwarf for me.


His grudges are a problem because the high elf one is far off and can cause ridiculous grudge severity.
And its more useful to ally with Alith Anar than attack him.
A clever person would sea lane to find one of the minor factions on an island. But even that takes long.

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Hopefully that can be tweaked a bit. I do love that he is now stomping his way around looking for Malkieth instead of starting in the same place as Thorgrim though.

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Unsurprisingly, thereā€™s a mod for it.