Pet peeves: The return (Part 3)

I have to say that Belegar’s quest battle where he’s like ‘We must fight these Orcs at the door of Karak Eight Peaks before we can retake it!’ is very funny when you already own the settlement and have built up a giant garrison

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Those both can fix the issue of how much time you have. The latter is purely for the grudges.
Update pending.

Also, Belegar says Khazukan Kazakit Ha! a lot when you select him and that’s great, so valid

Just remembered the worst grudges of all belong to Thorek… Ugh that campaign is pain.

i’m awful at total war and know next to nothing about warhammer lore. but golly gosh is it a fun game

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Same tbh, I just saw “Ooh, total war in a fantasy setting, must have”

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It’s playing TW:WH 1 and 2 that drove me into reading the Gotrek and Felix books. Reading those made me more interested in other things. The dwarf and elf books are good. I enjoyed Guardians of the Forest a lot, though I wish the epilogue had more information about how Leofric’s Grail quest went and how the Red Duke played into it.

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The only trouble with total war warhammer being so good is that every other total war feels nigh unplayable

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Snorri of course with his movement range buffs and periodic campaign buffs.

Shogun 2 was my jam. But now it feels hollow in the shadow of Warhammer.

Since it has cooled down, I get a lot of face cuddles with Sir when I’m in bed.

Shogun? Show gun.

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The lack of naval combat is hurting it immensely imo, though. It’s just weird how enemies that run into eachother out in the ocean just politely disembark on a random island to do land battle.

Thinking about upgrading Gamepass to the Ultimate version so I can play Banjo Kazooie on PC but I have not a scooby what “cloud gaming” is. Do we have any zoomera or techies in here who can dumb it down for me? >_>

Yeah, the copyright issue of warhammer naval combat hurts the game a decent amount

(there’s a warhammer fantasy naval game also licensed by GW called Corsair and it Causes Issues)

Cloud gaming is very dependent on how good your internet connection is, because essentially you are streaming it like you would do with a video in real time. So if your connection isn’t great it can feel a bit choppy. It might be okay with something like Banjo but I remember trying it with Red Dead 1 and it played awful because my internet wasn’t good enough.

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So like it is on another system and you stream it to your own? Sounds very complicated. Would fibre be good enough?

Pretty much yeah. So imagine it’s on another computer somewhere else in the world and you are sending your inputs by internet and it is streaming the image back to you live.

Would depend on the speed of it, usually you can find the recommendations on the website or service you are streaming from. Generally a wired connection is going to serve you a lot better than doing it over WiFi though.

Sweet! Could be a little input delay by the sound of it though being able to try out stuff like GOTG will be nice!