Pet peeves: The return (Part 3)


Techbros were a mistake/crime :neutral_face:


Mad merchant is up last I checked like 5mins ago.

apparently the new cyberpunk 2077 dlc has you become a cop

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what’s worse, being a corpo or a cop?


Won’t elaborate.

How to not attract the cat’s attention;

wander into the bedroom and just yell, “MEOW”

He’s asleep in his new bed I bought him for his birthday.


Sir did not answer the call of his people? Unheard of!

No, no.

HE is the one who-- sings the song of his people.

Anybody else is just imitating for attention.

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So I decided to go with Nakai regardless, but given Stonetower’s warning, I will just spend some more time building up units before taking on the quest battle. That said…

Long Campaign victory: Conquer Lustria provinces.

Nakai: Starts in the eastern-most part of Cathay

Truly, he will live up to his name when I am done…

There is a sea lane next to him which takes him to Lustria (that I took immediately because I had no intention of kicking Cathay’s bins over), if that helps

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Huh you are right… guess CA did think that through.

I started reading Pride and Prejudice so get ready for my next hyperfixation


Sounds about right.


Really appreciate how SEED’s writers absolutely knew they were going to make Kira and Cagalli siblings and then still spent a bunch of time romantically teasing them getting together.

Very Star Wars, honestly.

Fortunately, almost all of these bots are nowhere near as good as people claim they are. For example, let’s have a look at how badly an AI botches a prompt as simple as “man eating chicken.”

Content warning: It’s weird.

There’s some newer ones where people have been ‘training’ the A.I. and feeding in loads of different artists and their work. There are some (RJ Palmer, of ‘Realistic Pokemon’, for instance) where the A.I. still goes all gog-eyed.

Others, however, have been having more success. Techbros outright trying to replicate an artists style… without the artist. Or, y’know, paying them.

Also, seeing ‘Monets Waterlily Bridge but sharpened to un-Impressionist it’ is a type of Cursed image I never thought Id see; aesthetically its fine, but it’s… I dunno, like seeing a perfectly normal human being, no uncanny valley, and yet you know that person is dead.
It’s soulless and both unsettling and enraging in ways I can’t even describe properly…

wait is this sarcasm cuz those are cool drawings

the AI was a mistake

The problem with doing an early death run in Abandoned Cave for the Serpent Bow is… I forget to go back and actually complete Abandoned Cave.

Also, Spear Crucible Knights can eat my butt.

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The point is that when the AI is given the prompt “man eating chicken,” it is so confused that all it can produce is an abominable chicken-man consuming a meal of chicken-man flesh.

If it screws up something that basic, then it still has a long way to go. Kaytlinne’s right about some projects being more successful due to being more specific but no matter how big the database is, the logic just isn’t there yet.

What they can however do is producing good inspiration brain food for artists. I think they should stay like that. In time people will become better at spotting the AI stuff. Recreating actual human things realistically is so extremely hard, computer generated things feel off 99.8% of the time when in focus.