Pet peeves: The return (Part 3)

Still not enough.
So long as they don’t have the rite army summoned, they are going to be low on the strength list. So long as that’s the case, they’ll constantly have war declared on them.


So I finally watched rings of power.

Overall, I actually didn’t mind it/think its pretty alright. There are lore inconsistencies, quite a few, that can be a bit bothersome. But on its own so far I like it. It looks gorgeous, many of the characters so far are fun and interesting.

Also sidenote and without spoilers, I -loved- Disa so far(The black dwarf everyone hated on during promo material).


Disa was good. So was Durin.

Boy I sure hope nothing bad happens to their kingdom…


Their dynamic on screen was so funny. Best of the episode.

I thought Durin and Elrond had a good dynamic too. Exploring the temporal dissonance between Elves and the mortal races is always cool and I liked what they did with their relationship and the strains it puts on them.


Overall I’m very happy with how Elrond is portrayed. He is clever, diplomatic, but not without flaw.

And that entire bit with him and Durin was very good.


Big fan of Elrond. I have no idea what that thing he is carrying around is though.


We’ll have to see I guess.

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Me - goes out with friend to buy stuff for costume we’re making for comic con in October


Literally started yelling at me as soon as i got through the door.


I honestly didn’t notice anything I would outright call lore inconsistencies other than the obvious time compression of events spanning centuries into a single generation.

One thing that caught my attention that really is a lore inconsistency is Finrod addressing child Galadriel by that name, while in lore she acquired it well into adulthood. But I understand why they did that.

Another one that may or may not be an inconsistency is the puzzling absence of Celeborn so far. He and Galadriel are supposed to be already married by this point.

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Aside from the stuff you mentioned here now, the only other thing I noticed(mostly after being curious enough to cross reference it) is that a few things related to Galadriel seems to have been more associated with other elves or in particular Fëanor.

It’s not lore inconsistencies that destroy the entire plot or ruin the franchise. It’s more stuff that can be picked up and noticed, but it’s also understandable why it might have been changed. (To tell a more consistent and better story).

Overall though as I said, I like the show. It looks nice, I like the casting so far of characters and the characters themselves are generally likeable or interesting.

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There is one other thing that might be a lore inconsistency, but don’t know yet. I’ll put it in spoilers.

Rings of Power Episode 2 spoilers and theory

Depending on if the meteor man actually is Gandalf as there are hints towards, that would be a bit of a retcon/inconsistency as him and the other Istari at this point have traveled to middle-earth several times under many names.

During this time in the second age, Gandalf was Oromir(?) I believe, and he was said to travel to middle-earth back and forth by boat.

So it depends on who that character actually is. Despite it though, I like his dynamic with the hobbits and I think its a fun mystery.

I wouldn’t worry, it’s only two days away from retirement.

But isn’t minor inconsistences the absolute bane of anyone unhealthy invested in Tolkins world? I mean they have entire causes all about studying the extended world building, like some people actually earn degrees in regards to the world.
I can only imagine such a cult following is mining mountains of salt if even one elf has a wrong hair color.


Gave the visiting cat some pets. Also figured out which area of the neighbourhood her actual home is in earlier this week.
She’s incredibly trusting. I can touch her tummy, her paws,… this is one mildly strange cat but I’m not complaining about being able to pet her.


The lore purist will be mad at anything. I’ve even seen some that was angry at the revisions/stuff Christopher Tolkien published from his father’s unfinished works.

The changes so far in the show seems to be made to make a better story for it+make it more digestible to people with a lighter interest in Lord of the Rings. And that is okay for me personally.

I love the books and Tolkiens works, but I will also say that while he was a great world builder, the storytelling itself could and can be a bit rough. Because it wasn’t the focus of the writing in a sense.

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Did you get to touch the beans though?

Valid, I have myself heard some stories about Tolkien, mainly how he is to blame for why we spell it dwarves and not dwarfs among a few other “funny” stories.

Not so strange perhaps that I have only heard lukewarm to bad things about the show.
from saying Galadriel’s acter is doing a bad job acting
to the news paper I read in the morning, giving it a pretty meh score, making a note of how boring every scene featuring an elf, who isn’t Galadriel, is and how it is dragging the enjoyment down and how they rather watch the new Game of thrones spinoff.
(it was a shared review of the two shows mind you.)

So it strikes me opinions are divided as people here seem to enjoy it.

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I can. She thinks I’m weird when I do it though.

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Bought a game for the wrong playstation account so now I’m waiting for a chat agent so they can fix it - either by refunding me so I can buy it on the right one, or by just transferring the license across. I tried to see if I could just link the two accounts together but didn’t seem like that was possible, annoyingly.

Related: The playstation store’s search function is absolutely stupid and useless, throwing up oodles of DLC/microtransaction options for games I don’t own before the game I actually want to buy about 60 entries down, and adding more words to the search seems to actually make it worse since that means there’s more possible items including those words.

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