Pet peeves: The return (Part 3)

Liz Truss as a teenager was a (based) republican, like her father still is

she was playing the long game, bros…

Katana Zero DLC showing the first footage.

… The waiting is killing me.

If liz dies on my day off so I don’t get an extra free day off I’m gonna be pissed

just hold on until saturday when I’m working plz

I just googled it and apparently we wouldn’t get a bank holiday for it which is lame.

As agreed by the Queen and the prime minister, the day of the funeral will be declared a day of national mourning, although a bank holiday will not be granted.

Yeah apparently my work’s stated process is to close for the day though.

So if she dies tomorrow, when I’m not working, I don’t get anything, but if she dies early on Saturday I get a free day off.

switching jobs ASAP

we have to stay in

The day of grudgement has come.


A mighty throngstack indeed.


it’s the same picture


It really is!

Eh, its not so much a problem for me yet. I’m playing as Nakai, who starts in Cathay, and there’s no dawi around there. The closest ones are Karak Azorn in the Mountains of Mourn, and they’ve already been weakened by Greasus. By the time I reach the Old World I’ll have multiple armies, given I’ve teched-out Nakai pretty good, and the more research, the more tribute percentage I get from the Defenders.

And given pretty much all of Cathay is Defender-land now…

honest to god if the queen dies and she doesn’t get a sick drop like this i’ll be livid


Mostly indifferent to Elizabeth Windsor’s health – don’t think she’s necessarily a bad person, I just have no connection or reason to mourn. The one good thing on offer, though, is the thought that Charles might oust his noncey brother since I remember reading that he’s not a fan of Andrew being protected.

Whoops I just dropped this cool picture of my dog, hope no one checks these links to see these cool dog pictures:

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so awkward watching the BBC fill time talking about basically nothing for hours on end waiting for something to happen

they’re all wearing black now though so it’s pretty much a given that she’s gonezo.

still just really worried about joe, has anyone heard from him? has anyone looked outside the gates of buckingham palace?

I was being polite; the aristocracy and monarchy are abhorrent. Robespierre the lot of them.

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Politeness is overrated - kindness is in and standing in solidarity with the monarchy’s (and elizabeth’s in particular) victims over a hereditary oligarch is kind


All right, all right. Get the woodchipper and we’ll form them into an orderly line.

someone should do a wellness check on Joe though