Pet peeves: The return (Part 3)

Pretty sure it was Pikachu crying on Ash.

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The fact the player has no control over a faction mechanic is horse doo.

They should make it (ironically) like the Waaagh! mechanic; “Y’see that thing there, Beardling? I dunt want to!”

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I did a quick campaign of Skarsnik just to roll over Karaz-a-karak and get it out my system

It turns out sending like 60 units of goblins steamrolls even the high king’s perch

I post to announce her death.


A certain era just ended

fine, i’ll do it myself


:crab: merry 10k :crab:

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Y’all got any more of those London Bridges?

I just want to kow what david icke has to say.


I just recently wondered what a miracle it was that she was still alive. Spooky.

Sad day.

I’m gona be blocking so many people on websites who are mocking a person’s death.

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I mean, not to change the subject of the Queen’s death but–

I literally just found out that Thurston Waffles died yesterday of nasal cancer.


Well. Never thought I’d see the day =(

Thought Her Maj would out live us all. At least she’ll always have a corner of my dining room to stand in.

…I politely request the honourable gentlemen to the left of Argent Dawn’s political house give me at least half an hour to compose myself before the memes inevitably flood in.


Sadly Bernard Shaw also passed away. I remember his coverage of what happened on Tiananmen Square, and phrasing of China’s image to the world as a store window mannequin, which is as relevant today as it was back then.


That wasn’t even thirty seconds gosh darn it man ! :rage:


I was going to grant it.

Get it all out of your system quickly my good friend :heart: