Pet peeves: The return (Part 3)

It is :frowning_face:

When you’re more sad about a cat dying than the Queen.


Also, need a helm that goes with the drake knight set because the actual helm is :grimacing:

I am literally swapping gear again.

Help me.

EDIT: Srsly

Spend 5 hours grinding a chest piece only to replace it with the drake knight one;

Lost a hell of a lot of pose though.

I salute and appreciate the dunk for it gave me the little giggle necessary to survive this night :grin:

“I don’t want to fight Morgott, maybe I should go poke Varré in the eye instead”

ladies and Gentlemen, stuff that comes out of my mouth at 2 in the morning when sleep deprivation starts kicking in.

At least I’m not swearing at the cat for howling.

The running attack on double curved swords is disgusting too.

I will make it my life’s mission to knock Louis 14th off the top spot

I don’t care if they have to keep me in the race by occasionally electro shocking my withered 103 year old body to give the illusion of movement - I will refuse to pass on until I’ve reigned longer and not a moment before

(EDIT: Okay I made a big long rant here but let’s be honest; you all already know I regard Twitter as somewhere lower than even the deepest circle of Hell - being climate conscious is one thing but there’s no call for me to recycle my own talking points to the state of redundancy!)


Entities with a blue checkmark on birdapps aren’t human anymore.

scrolls up
These people dont have that and i wont elaborate further.

It did occur to me last night as I was pondering, that my two kids will grow up having never known the Queen as part of British life. My oldest is 3 and a half but there is little to no chance she will remember.

Very strange. She’s just always been there in the background hanging out doing her thing. Growing up in the reign of Charles III is a truly cursed existence, especially given the absolute state our country is in at the moment. Maybe my generation didn’t have it that bad after all.


A little nervous they’re turning the Charles franchise into a trilogy after the success of the first two but hell they pulled it off with Toy Story and if he’s anything like the second one we’re in for a golden age let’s go let’s GO

charles III was such a weak choice when one of his middle names is arthur and is prime for the taking

his reign has already failed as far as i’m concerned on this one blunder alone. he thinks he’s big enough to live up to the charles name, but perhaps arthur is a stretch too far

It’s not slander if it’s true.

Unrelated here’s another cool picture of my dog that I dropped, whoops:


In the spirit of reaching out to the other side, I informed the anti-monarchists at work today that I’d spent all night steeling myself in preparation to take all the memes they can throw at me.

They appreciated my resolve; I asked only for time to have one last cup of tea, which they kindly obliged, before it all kicked off.

Sometime a gentleman has to laugh it off and roll with the punches; I’d rather be a good sport about it than a stickler!

A racist, archaic, and elitist institution that spends its modern days protecting nonces and extending its own privileges. Would recommend peeping the links Elenthas posted earlier in this thread.

We’re about to spend millions of taxpayer £ on funeral arrangements when there’s a cost of living crisis, and energy prices are skyrocketing (and the energy companies are recording massive profits that the government won’t apply a windfall tax to).

That’s where my humanity is at. Caring about the normal people, who will be faced with choosing between food or heating this winter. Not the 96 year old woman who enjoyed a full life, in extreme privilege – whose value was decided at birth, rather than on any merit of her own.

Oh and now we’re going to have to watch Sausage Finger Charles do his thing.

Okay seriousness over, back to memes I shall go.


I’ve been so tired for the last few days… time to listen to music at an unhealthily loud level.

I give you a little gold star sticker

Personally I don’t get why one would want a monarchy if you can’t even get an extra day off from it. What’s the point?


Domino’s pizza posted this on twitter dot com

Yet Pizza Hut has posted nothing!!! This really says a lot about the society that we live in.

Prestige or something. As though echoes of old empire is a good thing.

What about Papa John’s, the superior pizza franchise?

Also silence.

Also sorry but locally at least, Pizza Hut>Papa Johns.

Pizza Hut is too greasy, which is a weird complaint to make about fast food pizza but it’s true. The box is practically soaked when you pull the slices out here. It’s below Father Johnathan’s and Dominos for me.

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Just take a few paper towels and gently pat the surface to remove the excess grease. Problem solved.