Pet peeves: The return (Part 3)

In memory of Thurston Waffles;

(Yes, I DO care more about a meme lord cat dying, how could you tell?)


Because youā€™re a crazy cat person.

Also, I donā€™t really give 2 figs about the royal family.

Other than this sort of spicy meme;


Now I donā€™t know much about no UK politics. What does the Mito News say about the latest gossip? I need to know the latest scoop.

Mito News is reporting that infamous AD poster Telaryn has been receiving royalties from Leigh Bardugo through several off-shore accounts. Our reporters are currently investigating what the connection might be.

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Powerful nations do everything they can get away with. Mississippi lingers in squalor under medieval conditions, bringing medieval diseases with it.

Can go to hell.

Almost like a republic would be a whole lot better, I say as I seethe over our own pet royals hatching more spawn.

An economical solution: Make George grow a moustache and print one on the old queen notes. He wonā€™t be around for much longer anyway.

The estate of the Telaryn family will not stand for this slander. Mito News will cease this at once, or they will hear from our lawyers.


Mito News reports that lifetime Victorian cosplayer and drain on society Joe has been seen in public with a female in his arm, indicating a potentially romantic relationship which would be a marked change for the star of Channel 4ā€™s First Dates.

Our reporters later discovered that the woman was in fact not real, and having viewed from another angle understood that it was actually a cardboard cut out which on closer inspection appeared to be of the late monarch Elizabeth II.

Joe was approached for comment but was overcome with emotion and was unable to answer any questions at that time.


Mito News officially retracts previous assertions made against the Telaryn estate with regards to potentially ill-gotten gains from famed novelist of the much discussed Grishaverse as unfounded.


I still have a PS2ā€¦



this except itā€™s a small child


ā€œWhat eldritch truth will you impart, dread spirit?ā€

ā€œI pooped.ā€


The worst is when I put one of them to bed, and then go to bed myself a few hours later to discover that they pooped but decided to just sleep in it rather than calling me.

Kids are stupid.

kids live on a plane of freedom that is frighteningly primal tbh

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Iā€™d like to say the PS1 was my first consoleā€¦ well technically it was my first console.
But the first one I played was my older brothers Sega Megadriveā€¦

Crawls into the sea in silence. Because being Old means the knees have stopped working

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Megadrive was my first too. I think we had this conversation in Peeves recently when I was waxing nostalgic over the based PS1 era.


My first console was the master system.

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Next poster is a monkey

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