Pet peeves: The return (Part 3)

Get a load of Mr Make Good Choices over here

Make bad choices and do a kickflip on the haters, Akamito. Buy the thing you want or something idk what we’re talking about just wanted to cause a little mischief like the scamp that I am

I tell other people to make good choices.
I make awful ones. Hypocrisy is delicious.

Sort of getting to that point in V Rising where its getting frustrating.

I basically need to farm a load of paper for research because the bosses are too high levelled so I need better gear.

Not sure what’s been the bigger eater of my funds this month, vet bills or the KS I backed.
I just gotta live 2½ week :weary:

Have to be up at 6am, but took my meds (after forgetting for nearly a week) which knocked me out at like 10 till midnight. Now I’m stuck awake, so I’m going to play Total War Warhammer 3 whilst listening to:

It is Monday.

-Tired, agonised sounds-

I’m still awake.

Seems like it’ll be a right wing government in Sweden.

Did leftists not learn from bernie

On a serious note I need a basic summary of each side so I can download an opinion

Not a peeve, made me laugh:

One of my D&D players says their posting’s going to be delayed because they just found out their cousin died in a car crash.

Other player expresses sympathy.

First player then says “yeah, honestly he wasn’t my favourite person, I’m just trying to be there for my family”.


I’ve got a cold and I must grumble
I would loudly complain about it but my throat is soar, I can’t
going to hire the 3 loud meowsketeer to shout for me

Only there for the +1 of the support buff, good bean


I got you chief

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left my headphones at home. this is going to be an awful day of work

Get another pair of headphones and leave them at work!

At my workplace, our office computers come with headphones, for conference calls.

I do own a spare set so that could work.

But it also relies on me being able to remember to bring them in.

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Insomnia is kicking my bum.

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Left side:

Left party-has its origins in communism. Anti NATO, critical of EU. Otherwise generally left views. Promotes inclusivity & enviromentalism.

Social Democrats-Socialist party. Normally the largest. Typical socialist policies.

Green Party-Enviromentalist focused. Beyond that, socialist.

Center party-centric views. Used to be right block but switched sides due to harassment and death threats from SD.

The right block:

Moderats-Conservatives. As of late they have grown more anti immigration aswell to better work with SD.

Christian Democrats- Christian conservatives. Have internal issues with anti abortion views, anti LGBTQ+ views. Current leader is the only party leader who is convicted of crime(Libel/slander) She also advocates conversion therapy.

Liberals-Despite the name, highly conservative towards authoritarian. Latest suggestion from them is to language test kids from age 2 so they can speak swedish.

Sweden Democrats(SD)-Fash/racist/ww2 party. Formed by swedish SS members. Until the early 2000s they openly did white supremacist marches, promoted race biology etc. Anti immigration, wants reduced rights for non ethnic swedes. Anti islam, anti jewish, anti women & feminism. Considers LGBTQ+ existence to be political extremism/bad. Wants to remove public service media. Wants removal of freedom of press. Has strong ties to white supremacist organisations. Outspoken supporters of both Donald Trump and Putin. Many of their members end up convicted of crimes(mostly tax fraud and hate crimes).


found some other survivors that don’t want to kill me in last of us

they abandoned me at the first sign of trouble

bad feels

Guys and girls, I thought of this a few days ago, and I wish to hear your opinion:

Witcher Geraldo vs the Xenomorph, who’d win in a fight? Assuming it’s their first encounter.