Pet peeves: The return (Part 3)

Just in case anyone would have any doubts about this, the precursor of SD was the Bevara Sverige Svenskt party; that means Keep Sweden Swedish, and they often accused other far-right groups of not being racist enough. It was founded with inspiration from the New Swedish Movement, which was a pro-German No-No Group and explicitly anti-democracy Fash party during the war to which Ikea’s founder belonged in his teens. It’s a sore period in the history of SD they would prefer if people didn’t remember, but they continued to use this slogan up until the early / mid 2000s.

Xenomorph. Silver wouldn’t bite on this monster and Geralt’s sword, if capable of penetrating the xenomorph’s skin, would be eaten away slowly by its acidic blood.


First encounter, it’s a pretty even fight but I think Geralt has the advantage of being fully covered in leather, capable of magic and extremely difficult to ambush. Like a 60-40 in the witcher’s favour.

Any later encounter the xenomorph doesn’t stand a chance

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Gary the Metrosexual Fruitcake can use his iframes from dodging to maintain quen throughout the entire fight, even if he’s playing on Death March difficulty he’ll win eventually.


The xenomorph has razor sharp claws. And if we are being technical they can come in shapes ranging from the one we all know to dogs and T-rex sized.

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Looking at Swedish politics like…
UK is bad, but I dunno about having Actual Honest To God SS Successors in the election roster… sheesh :grimacing:


I dunno, I think they’d be a pretty even match aswell but, single xenos have been seen to be able to take out an entire squad of marines with body armor, which I assume to be atleast as strong as a witcher’s leather gear. And they can take on a Predator aswell.

Geralt on the other hand has the advantage of his enhanced senses and magic, so he -may- be able to hear it coming , and even if his sword does get melted by the acidic blood, he still has his magic and potentially bombs to combat it.

I should’ve specified that I meant a drone/warrior like you often see in the movie, it may be an entirely different matter if he ends up vs a Praetorian, Predalien or even an Queen or Empress.

Ah, leather in the sense of ‘something that one can tear off to avoid acid burns’ - witchers rarely use their armour for defense because if a monster hits them they’re probably dead regardless of how much steel they have in the way.

This is true, but the important distinction to make is that Geralt is extremely well trained specifically at fighting monsters who use their claws and jaws and sometimes poison blood as weapons, and also has superhuman senses rather than relying on, say, a motion detector.

Whether steel or silver or bombs or whatever actually break through its carapace would be down to whichever writer made this fight happen so it’s harder to quantify that one.

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Imagine if witcher 3 or the upcoming witcher 4 has a Xenomorph or Predator DLC… I woud not mind traversing a ruin or forest/jungle as Geralt finding clues only to end up vs a Yautja either.

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The corrosiveness of xenomorph blood is just described as being capable of burning through virtually any man-made or natural material, so I’m not sure if it would work in this case.

And if you damage one of these enough they can explode and shower the surrounding area with its blood. So fighting one with a sword might not be the best idea.

Geralt versus one of the less technologically advanced Yautjas like the one from Prey would be an epic showdown.

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I still have to see that movie ( sadly no Disney+ subscription) but I have to agree. If it’s one of the more technologically advanced Yautja that decides to bring his full arsenal… yeah, as much as I love Geraldo, I don’t see him walking out of that one alive.

There are definitely scenarios (mostly ones where I’m controlling Geralt) where he gets caught off guard by the acid blood, gets ambushed and sliced to pieces, or any number of things!

I only give him the edge because ‘first encounter with a beastie who is difficult to kill conventionally’ is Geralt’s whole deal, he literally trains for this in particular.

The Predator is the opposite 60-40, where Geralt has a better chance than the average bear (because ‘sapient hunter monster’ is also in his wheelhouse and Signs in particular are likely to throw off even a Predator briefly) but is woefully outclassed technologically


It isn’t much fun.

To elaborate, they cannibalize rhetoric from the socialist-ish parties for populism to leech off the social democrats (a nationalist socialism, if you will), they cannibalize religious rhetoric to leech off the allegedly christian party (in a move to consume it the way the danish far right did), they lean into the urban/rural divide to get voters by opposing “elites” while serving every interest of the wealthy by economic policy indistinguishable from the neoliberals (class collaboration) and every solution to everything ever is to defund foreign aid and ban/deport immigrants by encouraging third generation swedes to “return home” to lebanon etc by economic incentives (read: make life difficult for anyone too tan). Fighting crime equals fighting immigration with ambitions to copy Geert Wilders’ “scum village” concentration camp model to imprison entire families if one member commits a crime.

Freedom of religion only applies to christians as bans on “foreign architecture” and similar things are functionally designed to make the practice of islam in particular impossible, using policies identical to their fellow brown movements with more massaged terms so that the apolitical won’t catch on.

They argue to destroy public service along the polish authoritarian model, calling independent media communist propaganda while funding their own alternative to spread blatant fabrication, fear and resentment toward anyone they can and need to other. Propaganda for me, not for thee.

The party core is a nepotistic mafia of friends’ families intermarrying and appointing each other to positions of power, covering for each other’s crimes and bribing former members with party funds to keep quiet. Nothing is done about this. Said party funds are, much like the french fash, bankrolled by russia to shatter the EU (presumably for putin to later “de-nozyfy” the weakened breakaway countries bereft of EU and NATO protection).

All while playing the victim every time their past and present is brought up, indignant when described accurately. An alleged zero-tolerance of racism in the party is a laughable excuse to extend the victimization whine every time they’re rightfully accused and for the sake of PR, they try to recruit the likes of Syrian Orthodox christians so as to have middle eastern allies tell everyone of how bad those evil muslims are, but said syrians are just tools to show off for the cameras as the ultimate goal is a lily-white country under ethnonationalism.


Why would they be Anti NATO/critical of EU lmao

I suppose Social Democrats-Socialists would also promote inclusivity and environmentalism without pretty terrible things such as Anti-NATO or EU?

why must politics be where no one is a good choice smh :pensive:

Let me tell you that as an anarchist I have Very Complicated Feelings about both

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You just want all systems gone, shouldn’t be that hard as an anarchist.

anarchism is all fun and giggles until you live next to russia

you might understand why I have Very Complicated Feelings about neighbours being anti-EU/NATO


Tankies. It’s always tankies.

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Just out of curiosity, why not?

We should have Complicated Feelings for each other :flushed: