Pet peeves: The return (Part 3)

as in, genuinely pro-ruZZian tankies or just the teens in USA / UK who read marx once and pretend they’re communists?

For all its bureaucratic messes, it still promotes cooperation and unity between countries, while also promoting generally positive values especially to the eastern side of Europe, where post-Soviet bigotry still exists. As a LGBTQ+ person, it gives me a little hope that my own country might actually become livable here, instead of having to move anywhere else because there’s no future here. But even if I do, at least that process isn’t as painful through EU.

:flushed::point_right: :point_left:



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Tankies are just the former. It’s all part of the tankie mindset, being overly critical of anything related to the West.

To some extent, but also legitimate concern of being dragged into NATO being used for american imperial adventurism. You won’t find that many actual tankies outside one of the smaller, splintered actual communist parties.

Or people who think stalinist fash is actual, real communism (like most neoliberals except thinking it’s awesome).

Very much a ‘I wish this wasn’t necessary’ kind of vibe with both, especially for as mentioned countries that border Russia

It is a big issue and I am but a small hedgehog



Was gonna say both a Ravager and a Carrier would knock him sideways.

Especially if a carrier is doing its job and carrying face huggers, just run in, die and spray facehuggers at him.

Wonder what a Witcher Xenomorph would look like.

Depends on the film, you see in Aliens that Hicks ultimately survives being sprayed by taking the front part of his armour off (he’s out of comission though)

Wish we’d go back to; “that hit will eat through the hull” though.

I think in general, most ideological labels have become blurred and become redundant anyway. If you ask anyone on the Eastern Europe side, you’ll get a different answer about what communism is to anyone on the West. Probably same with capitalism, too.

It’s become even something genuinely offensive, where certain tankies have started like a pro-Baltic SSR support groups on Reddit. Funnily enough, they’re also very often supporting and excusing current orcs in Ukraine.


You are caller number 7 in the queue


You are caller number 6 in the queue


You are caller number 5 in the queue


This is what hell feels like.


rumours abound that wind waker hd finally coming to switch. i have waited long and hard for this moment and if it proves false it will be the end for me

Thank you, meowtower

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With Nato, its due to them not agreeing with Turkeys role in it+erdogans politics. Many of the left party also advocate for kurds rights. Its also a disagreement with US foreign policy.

With EU they disagree with their economic policies.


Stonemeower thank you very much

Man, that’s rough.

People who somehow equate support for modern day putin as doing the communism are politically illiterate.

There has been a restructuring of the queue.

You are caller number 12 in the queue.


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Kittykittykittykittykitty pspspsps

You are caller number 11 in the queue.


You are caller number 10 in the queue.


You have been disconnected.

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I’m having flashbacks.

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I need to look up those two, I didn’t know them.

I have no idea. There is also chance that the witcher metabolism might actually reject the egg somehow, since given time, it also starts adapting to venom being injected, as per the last book. That’s ofcourse, depending on if it rejects the egg before the Xenomorph hatches.

I remember calling a supplier and getting the usual “we know that waiting stinks but please sit tight and someone will be with you as soon as we can” and then the hold music played.

It was All By Myself, very loudly.

I had an ugly loud laugh in the middle of the office



(its huge)


Ravagers frick up their targets so badly that they cannot be used to make more xenomorphs and Carriers carry facehuggers.

And if the carrier dies to anything other than fire, it fires all facehuggers it is carrying off at the target.

Both are evolves from the praetorian (when you have a Queen already)


Dear Lord, just when you think it can’t get any worse. I sure am glad that all these creatures are fictional, right…right?

First expedition to unknown planet
