Pet peeves: The return (Part 3)

17 marines attack a Carrier, 3 die to the initial assault, 2 more die to the acid explosion.

The other 12 are face hugged.

The other 12 are face hugged.

There are now 12 Xenomorphs.

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How do you fight a parasitic swarm? Robots.

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That is a rather accurate description. And then the next ship arrives to find out what happened to the first group they sent. Either they get facehugged too, -or- , they escape but the Xenomorphs snuck on board and have now reached Earth.

Now just hope you can make a sufficient amount of robots that can actually withstand them.

Speaking of robots, there’s a very nice cross-over comic by Dark Horse.

Alien vs Predator vs the Terminator.

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Just is case there was any doubt; Alien is my favourite film of all time.


Given that Skynet’s response to ‘these organics are getting a bit uppity’ is to bathe the surrounding area in nuclear fire I think they win :V


It has been a while since I read it, but basically the story was that somehow Skynet survived it’s destruction at the hands of the Resistance and laid low, having just a few Terminators continue to function to use the increase in technology to upgrade itself aswell.

By the time we reach the time of Alien, in which the Alien clone of Ripley features aswell, they have managed to make a Terminator whose alloy is actually resistant to the Alien acid. It took the combined efforts of Ripley, the Predators, and Aliens let loose into a clusterfuk to overcome these handful of new Terminators.

Nice Scyther evolution


Björn Söder, who is essentially the vice party leader, has made serious unironic suggestions to the parlament in the past to ban “foreign sounding” music from being played in public.

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That’s the sanitized attempt to ban the call to prayer, among other things.

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That guy and Björn Höcke (far right politician, AfD) are too similar in name and politics. They’ll need to duke it out to fight for Björn rights. The loser will be renamed to Bernd permanently.

It will be judged by Markus Söder… from the CSU… who’re also conservative but at least not so far right as these two guys I guess?

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Watching Lycoris Recoil.

Not sure if I’m meant to agree with the terrorists or not.

Being reminded that a dumpster-fire 343s development of Halo. That’s a peeve.

It stings a little less hearing it from Tear of Grace. Internet Funny-peoples help a lot.

But then I look back and see all the good will they built up with Infinite being much better than 4 and 5… and then just repeating allllll the mistakes. And adding some more.


Go out with a friend for lunch, come back to being yelled at by Sir.

Cro’s like in a nutshell.

There was a point where Halo was a juggernaut of a franchise and the launching of it’s games were the biggest, most hyped media events. And now look at it.


“900 paper to go”


As a fellow enjoyer of the Alien franchise and universe as a whole I’m interested in hearing your thoughts on Prometheus and Alien: Covenant.

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I dislike both.

Do not like the dumb decisions the scientists make in Prometheus, like;

that alien cobra thing is clearly acting threatening, leave it alone


yeah we’re just going to run in front of the ring, we’ll escape right? Right? (Its called “The Prometheus School of Running Away From Things” for a reason)

Michael Fassbender is sublime in both films but I really do not vibe with the whole; Android playing God created the Xenomorphs as we know them.

Sort of, kind of gives Jailer vibes now i think about it. mainly because they’re inserting their new bad guy into the old lore to try and make him relevant.

And I am somebody who’ll sit through both Alien 3 and Resurrection.

Also, some other director and Sigourney Weaver (my first love) were discussing making a new Alien film but Ridley Scott asked them to let him do his thing and released prometheus.

I could have had a new Ripley film… it may have been dogcrap but I would’ve had Ripley.

So all in all, not really a fan.

Also, stop teasing the fans with the not-xenomorphs (no, the ones in Covenant are Protomorphs), most of us are here for the Xenomorphs.


My Mrs disclosed to me a couple of months back that she had never seen any of the Alien movies other than the first half of Prometheus, which she absolutely hated, so we had a weekend binge and blasted out everything… Alien 3 firmly remains my breaking point… I swear it’s like the movie that never ends!

I’m pretty sure however that I’m the only person who enjoys Prometheus and Covenant. Not because they’re well made or have a good story though, more that they.almost feel like watching a lore video on YouTube or something. I didn’t even hate that David created the first Xenomorphs or proto Xenomorphs but that could be Fassbender being absolutely amazing and bringing some weight to the role…as always.

I think I just like new Alien stuff, regardless or how good it bad it is… Not Alien 3 though…that movie can get in the bin…Killing Hicks off screen…How dare you!

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Its actually my breaking point too.

I seem to be one of the few people who think Resurrection is better, but as a fan, I feel obligated to watch 3 before I can watch 4 and… sometimes I’d rather do anything else.

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I’m right there with you! 3 is an absolute slog, I like Resurrection for what it is, a big dumb late 90’s action movie.

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