Pet peeves: The return (Part 3)

I was big into the second movie when I was a teen because of the big fight scene with Neo punching like a hundred Smiths.

Now I see the error of my ways.

Also the Matrix 4 was really good.

i roll a nat 20 and suplex Elenthas into the ground, regardless of sarcasm

some things you canā€™t joke about

I have not seen it (actually havenā€™t seen the matrix sequels either but I know what happens and that they are Good, Actually) but I donā€™t doubt that. The Wachowski sisters make damn good films

Iā€™m not being sarcastic, I really enjoyed it. Probably give it a solid 8 or 9 outta 10 personally.

Certainly a divisive film though. I watched it with a few others and our reflections were all over the place - one person really disliked it, another thought it was pretty good/okay.

A wise man (Mark Rosewater) once said that if everyone likes your product, but nobody loves or hates it, it will fail. He was saying it in terms of games but honestly it goes for most art that needs to be sold to succeed

While Iā€™m ā€˜recommendingā€™ movies I watched the King Arthur film by Guy Ritchie not that long ago, I forget if I mentioned it here or not. I dunno if itā€™s good. But visually itā€™s certainly interesting, and interesting is probably worth more than just being good.

Knives Out is solid movie recommendation I have for anyone interested


They announced a sequel for it recently too.

This oneā€™s on a boat, I think. I didnā€™t watch the trailer in case of spoilers.

i think itā€™s on an island

Maybe they use a boat to get to the island, thatā€™d be a twist.


this nintendo direct is going on absolutely forever and full of absolute trash shovelware padded by an occassional decent announcement

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Watching live :-1:
Grabbing the information after the fact from a website :-1:
Waiting for randos on the internet to say ā€œhey this looks neatā€ and showing me a compressed twitter video of blurry footage :+1:

internet went down at work so passing the time praying for wind waker announcement

crisis core reunion for switch is a decent announcement, but will still probably just play it on ps5

apparently itā€™s been confirmed that pepsi-gal von fire emblem is in fact the real design theyā€™re going with

whoever greenlit these, I love you

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I canā€™t believe my copium came true, we got a TITLE AND A RELEASE DATE FOR BOTW SEQUEL

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Eeeeee! Bout time.

I canā€™t wait to rehydrate Ganondorf

oh man that is genuinely awful

still no wind waker hd. why do i exist just to suffer?

I watched the trailer and Iā€™m miffed because it didnā€™t impress me.

Maybe the next trailer will do it better but this one fell flat.

itā€™s okay we still got time for bloodborne PC :slight_smile: :slight_smile: :slight_smile: