Pet peeves: The return (Part 4)

Door main Telaryn

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Ive taken a break, but I was mostly having fun with the actual gameplay. Friends who are still playing have said they’ve genuinely seen changes start to happen already. It’s disappointing its been a rocky start, but by all accounts Vermintide 2 had the same issues.

I’m sure it will get there. Bloodbowl 3, not so sure about :grimacing:

True, I would be lying if I said I didn’t have fun. It’s just kinda disappointing to see the patterns that they were so quick in releasing the cosmetics shop for an easy cash grab than fix the game.

Admittedly, they apologised for it later, but I think it was too little too late imo.

Which makes you think that FatShark learned from the mistakes of the past. Alas…

Holding on white knuckled to the kernel spyware anticheat in spite of community outrage so… no.

Given the state of the industry, I wasn’t expecting anything good and was still disappointed. I liked bloodbowl 1, even with it’s flaws. Skipped 2, because i think I’ve heard it was a downgrade from 1 (is that true?) And was looking forward to 3 as an update of sorts, but seeing how things are, I guess I’m skipping that too.

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Eh I never cared for cheats in an PvE game like that. It was just kind of…useless, used to only bypass long grind.

I don’t cheat and shouldn’t have to run a separate data harvesting program just to play. They lost a customer when they forced that nonsense.

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silly lintian, telaryn wouldn’t do door RP

he’d do doormat RP, how else would you step on him?


Tasks to prove you’re a good gold dragon:

  1. Find some moldy cheese in a cellar (it’s good mold I guess) for a pregnant lady’s cravings
  2. Charge into the heart of the Worldwound to find some flowers for a girl’s flower crown.
  3. Infiltrate Baphomet’s labyrinth for a book on philosophy to answer the question “how many angels can fit into a single ray of light”.

There’s humility and then there’s being taken for a ride.


Don’t you get it Elenthas? In doing so you’re proving how your endless well of wisdom can-

Yeah it’s a crap quest, one of the many stains of the Gold Dragon Mythic path and my hope of seeing it improve is as volatile as Owlcat significantly changing the campaign.

Of course to a certain extent it’s like…not even a set of tasks. Drezen? That’s my home-base. Iz and the Labyrinth are destinations I’m going to end up at regardless, so practically it’s just something to vaguely keep in mind when I’m in the area for more important things.

But the framing is the real problem, since it’s a philosopher dude who’s just like “I got into a really stupid argument over some beer in a tavern and now I’m asking you to invade a demon lord’s domain because I want to be proven right.”

The philosopher one is probably the most egregious to me.
Small child? Doesn’t know any better. Dumb children are allowed to be dumb.
Pregnant woman? I mean that’s fine too, no big deal to fetch some cheese.
Old “”“learned”"" man should know better though. Philosophy really is just white guys jerkin’ off…

Weird philosophical question when you can just ask an actual angel who’d then tell you off for being a navelgazing putz who’d do better spending that time feeding the poor or smiting yonder demon.

Hey, why should it be restricted to white people. Plenty of individuals jerk off with philosophy all over the world.

Most likely the old philosopher wasn’t an utilitarian then

Someone pick a weapon type for my Aeon run. The weirder the better.

nobody cares nerd

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No narrative.
One class per thingy.
Little dialogue between characters.

Vermintide started on much better footing and I loved it.
Darktide is just meh. Most folks seem to be disappointed by it.

My chronomancy powers are exceptional for sure. I keep casting that on myself and sometimes on Blythan too.

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Plottwist: You are an Infinite Dragon and time has no effect on you. Instead you get owned by five nerds who can constantly turn back time for themselves and recover from any injury you caused them.

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So I did bounce off this quest line the first time, but the second time it really clicked for me - the dragons are testing your resolve as a gold dragon, which is about using your immense power to do good for goodness’s sake. One can say ‘this is way too much work for way too little benefit’ and still be a good person, and many good people would be right to do that - but a gold dragon would take that risk.

Minor Gold Dragon spoilers

Particularly so when it’s revealed that each of the 3 ‘villagers’ are dragons and chose seemingly pointless tasks with huge risk on purpose

Shhh don’t expose me like that, Des!

You’re one of them … Certified NERD.

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I found the Gold Dragon thing to be a bit naff, anyway. Daeran had it perfectly correct when he pointed out that helping that one surviving cultist - who openly said that it changed nothing and he was going to continue following Baphomet - was just indirectly causing the deaths of innocents.

Mr. Dragon NPC is virtuous to the point of looping straight back around to carelessly allowing evil to propagate.